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Pic of Santa Monica Pier!

Santa Monica Pier is where Zelo took me and I'm not complaining at all. I actually needed to relax and have fun for a while. Were eating in line to buy our bracelet for the rides.

"After we get on the rides you wanna get something to eat?"He asks and I nod and see our hands our still connected together since we arrived.

We are next in line and Zelo pays for my ticket since he says he was the one who brought me on the date and all. I have to give them my arm so they can put the bracelet on and a stamp.

"Ok where to first?"He asks once we step out of line. Before he can start looking  around I drag him to the roller coaster.

"This one I love scary rides"I say nodding and he laughs.

"Do you?"I ask and he nods.

"I used to come here each Friday when I lived here"He says and I nod.

"How come you moved to San Diego then?"I ask.

"My dad got a promotion over here for his company's so I had no choice"He says shrugging I see his expression and look down.

"So you have any siblings"He asks and I nod.

"Yup 1 brother and 1 sister"I say and see we're next in line to get seated for the ride.

"Well I always wanted a brother" He says and I laugh.

"Yea it's not the best but I wouldn't trade Auden at all"I say.

"Auden?"He asks.

"My brothers name"I say and he nods and says Oh.

Were next as we get in the ride I chose to sit all the way in the front insisting you'll get the best view,  buts Zelo says No because if we crash in the ocean we'll be the first to die.

"Zelo the front is better"I argue I see everyone is still getting on so we should hurry and sit.

"No we're gonna die"He says pouting and sticking out his lip and coming closer to me and getting my hands in his, he's playing me to get his seat think Cass think.

"Nope I'm sitting in the front"I say and cross my arms over my chest and he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist and looks at my eyes and mumbles a please. I continue looking at him but he looks so cute I give in and sigh and sit in the middle.

"This is why I like you"He says and sits next to me as he kisses my cheek I blush and look the other way.

"Your so cute when you blush"He says.

"Zelo stop the rides gonna start"I say and he chuckles and grabs my hand in his.

"Don't want you getting scared"He says as he tightens his grip on my hand. They come and double check our seatbelts are buckled I feel the ride start and tighten my hand in Zelo's.


After going on several rides me screaming and Zelo laughing he had won me a teddy bear in the basketball hoops I named it Bacon. Don't know why. We decide to get something  to eat, we walk to this small dinner next to the rides.

"Okay I'll go order and you choose where we sit?"He says and  I nod and he leaves. I sit down outside of the Diner in a table close to the beach  that has an umbrella on top even if there's no sun. I fix my big pink bear sitting next to me.

I look towards the moon and smile, this date his been amazing having laughs not worrying about school and family just perfect. I like how he didn't go all out he made it really simple and I like simple.I feel my phone vibrate and pull it out.

Ki: How's it going u getting some??

I laugh at her text but respond and say it's going good. I feel someone sit down and see Zelo looking at me with a little number he has to put on the table for the food.

"Tell me about yourself Cass"He says and I nod before coughing and pretending to adjust my collar which makes him laugh.

"Um not much to tell"I say and cross my arms and lean on the table.

"Ok then tell me why you joined dance" He says.

"I joined because I was never good with other things and I needed to get out of the house too much fighting" I say shrugging and he looks in my eyes with curiosity.

"There's more"He says and I shake my head no but he just chuckles.

"I may not know you that long but I know for sure there's more"He says and leans in closer and puts his hands on top of mine and I nod.

"I don't fit in" I say and he looks at me confused. "I never belonged anywhere  Jay will always bully me and tell me I don't belong so I started to believe his words and I started closing myself off to anyone even my parents yachts why we don have a strong bond. Once I came to highschool everything changed I decided I needed to join something so Dance is what I choose I started to feel free every time I danced I felt all the worries and shyness everything washed away and I let go. I was a different me, I am more boulder I don't feel insecure or anything and I could stand up to Jay but once I step out of the gym it's back to the shy girl in the corner. But I love dancing I guess it gave me some piece  of confidence I never thought I had in me"I finish and look up and see Zelo staring at me amused.

"You sure are different Cass"He says and I feel my self start frowning but I hear him talk again.

"But god a good different"He finishes off and continues looking into my eyes but I see them flicker to my lips.

I start to lean in as he does the same but I hear someone talk.

"Your order is ready"

Authors Note:
Haha they were so close to kissing. Anyways I will me trying to do m bed and update faster to see what happens to Zelo and Cass. And here comes the best part....
Thankyou to all those who have read this book and voted it means a lot to even have 1 reader but to almost have 400 reads is amazing so thankyou all so so so so so much!!!
Shout outs to..


Thankyou all so much!

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