Sneek Peak to book 2...Inception

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Book #2.....>>>>>>>

I see the familiar white snow and big trees. I look around and see no one. I try to walk away but as the same my legs are burried deep in the snow. I stand here waiting for her voice to come again. I hated this dream the first time I bet the fith time isn't going to be better.

"I told you to stay from him didn't I?"I hear a girls voice say.

"What?"I ask. And I feel wind hit me in the face as I fall back hard on my back.

"The first time you came I told you to stay away and you didn't listen"I hear her repeat from the woods.

But I can't see her no matter how hard I try. I pick myself up and turn to where the voice is coming but see no one.

"I knew he was going to hurt you. But you didn't listen!"She shouts and I cover my ears.

Something about this voice sounds so familiar it makes my stomach turn.

"I-I did-"I'm cut off by being surrounded by wind turning around me fast.

"Stop!"I shout but it's like she's running around me.

"You didn't listen and now your hurt. Were hurt!"I hear her shout and then there's laughter.

I see someone walk out of the woods and this time she's wearing a black dress with her head down and her hair covering her face.

"Who are you?"I ask and she laughs.

"I'm you"She finally says and I see her pick up her head.

I see myself and I try to back up I try to wake up from this bad dream but she laughs again.

"Remember it's just a dream"She whispers.

I feel someone shaking me then I feel water pour down on me. I quickly open my eyes and look to see Anthony with a water bucket. I start crying and quickly hug him.

He sits down on my bed and hugs me as I cry. I hate this, I hate these dreams.

"Its just a dream"He says and rubs my back.

"T-There back"I say and hug him tight he wraps one arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"Shh, it's okay I'm here"He whispers and I bury my head in his chest.

"Are they about.."He asks and I nod.

"I don't know why"I mumble in his shirt.

He's here, it's going to be I'm safe with him.

I scoot next to him and he pulls the blankets up and covers us both. I try to focus on what I have here not in my dream. But its so hard when you still have half of your heart beating to someone else.


I know it's short but that's just a little preview as to what's coming!!!
I know the name is weird or bad for it but I really like the meaning to it. I searched it up and bit said something about new beginings.....,so yup.
See you later!!!!

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now