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I get out of the shower and wrap my body with a towel before stepping out and going to the room to get my clothes. I had decided to take a shower then go walking and look around since I slept enough on the bus. I was lucky and got to share a room with Ki one bed for her and one for me. Sam was across the hall with some guy in Varsity.

I enter the room and see my best friend on the bed laying down her stomach touching the bed and flipping through the channels.

"Dude... this T.V sucks I don't even know the channel for MTV"She says in a groan and I chuckle.

"Check the list of channels there by the T.V"I say and she gets up and looks through before laying down again.

"Found it 43"She says .

I get my underwear and bra before getting a plain black T-shirt and some light skinny jeans. I change quickly and let my hair down from the towel it had wrapped around. I get some Q-tips and exit the bathroom and see Ki watching Mean Girls and laughing.

"You can take a shower" I say and she nods before getting in the shower and grabbing a towel. I put on some deodorant and start brushing my hair when I hear a knock on the door. I walk and go answer still brushing my hair. I open it and see Zelo holding a rose smiling.

"What's this" I say and gesture to the rose which he hands to me.

"This is a rose I'm here to tell you I'm sorry about leaving you and going with the girl please forgive me"Zelo says with a puppy dog face and I laugh.

"Zelo you didn't do nothing wrong if you wanted to go with the girl you can were not dating so I think it's cool"I say and look a the rose I look back up and see him frowning.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"He asks and I shake my head no.

"Ok then just be ready at 7:00pm, I'm taking you out and your not saying no and where something comfortable "He says smiling before coming closer and kiss  my cheek as I blush and look down. I see him walk away and I continue looking a the rose  before hearing the door in front of me revealing a smiling Sam.

"Oooo Cass has a boyfriend"Sam says and imitates a girl's voice.

"Where you listening?"I ask and he looks away.

"No"Sam says and closes the door to his room and comes inside mine with me.

"Liar" I say and point my finger at him.

"Whatever but Cass is gonna get some" He shouts and I run and cover his mouth.

"Shut up"I say and blush and grab a pillow and throw it at him and he laughs

I lay down with my stomach facing the mattress and focus on the tv not on Zelo. I feel the bed shake and see Sam next to me smirking, I ignore him and continue watching Mean Girls when I feel him poking my side to get my attention.

"What?"I ask and he smiles.

"Do you like him?"He asks and I focus back on the tv and he nudges me.

"Oooo!!! You do, you like Zelo!"He yells and I hide my face under a pillow and he laughs.

"Sam I didn't say that"I say my voice comes out muffled because of the pillow so I sit up and look at him.

"I don't even know if I like him, he spilled water on me then he took my food. You don't do that to people you like"I say and he looks at me in concetration.

"Wait he spilled water on you?"He asks and I nod.

"Man, well sometimes there's people who show there crush they like them by being mean to them"He says shrugging and I stare  at the wall think of what he just said.

Yea I know he likes me he already said it to me and I like him to but haven't said it, I don't know if I will, I don't even know where he's taking me but I'll have to find out, and maybe, just maybe I will say it back.

I look at Sam and see he's already staring at me.

"I like him too"I finally say and he starts hooting. I hear Ki start screaming in the shower saying "I knew it!, You like him! Cass finally has a crush!"She squeals and Sam laughs while I cover my face with my pillow.


I changed over and over I couldn't find a good shirt to go with my pants after Sam left I took a nap and rested for later on and when I woke up it was 5:30 and me being me panicked at the time.  I changed all my shirts till I found a nice navy blue one with a design on it. I check the time again and see its 6:30 not bad I have 30 minutes to rest. Ki had went to the pool with Sam when I started changing.g even though I needed her help.

I grab my phone and see I have 1 message from Sam,

Sam: Get Some!!!!=-O =-O.

I shake my head in laughter and start replying to his text.

Me: Grow balls then I will.

Sam: :-(

I look a his text and chuckle before turning off my phone and laying on the bed making sure I'm facing the ceiling. I begin singin a soft song making sure only I could here since I'm alone.

We are surrounded by these lies and people,

I stop and just look up remembering some lyrics to the song.

Should this be the last thing I say I want you to know listen carefully,

I finish that last part with a deep breath before turning on the tv.

All that you are is all that I'll ever need

I didn't even know that song I heard it on the radio and I started singing along. I hear a knock and I jump and end up falling on the floor. Its Zelo, it's Zelo oh shit omg. Calm down Cassy calm down. I quickly get up and brush my hair making sure I have everything and when I mean everything I mean my phone. I walk to the door and open it I almost open my mouth to wide.

I'm front of me is Zelo wearing a nice black button up with some dark jeans that aren't too skinny, and he has his hair styles up to the side. My gaze soon shifts to his ear where there are earnings light silver ones and I mean one for each ear.

"Hello Cass"He says and smiles.

"H-hi Zelo" I say barley getting it out of my mouth. I step out of my room making sure I have the key and exiting out.

"You look nice"He complements me and I smile.

"You too"I say.

"Okay so where are we going tonight?"I ask.

"Two places tonight it's a surprise you'll like it"He says.

"Do you like rides?'He asks and my eyes light up.

"Yes!"I shout/squeal and he laughs.

"Good know let's get going" He says and we start walking to the elevators halfway there I feel Zelo grab my hand and connect ours together. I try not to squeal and hold it in. I look back at Zelo and see he has a smirk plastered on his face.


We get out of the taxi since we came with the school not in our one cars. I asked him where we're going  again and again still said no.

"Zelo where are we going?"I ask and he shakes his head no.

"Come on"I plead on and on and he laughs while saying no.

"Were here"The Taxi guy says.

"Yes!"I say and Zelo gets out first and opens the door for me.

Once I step out my mouth breaks into a wide grin. I should've known he was going to take me here.

Sorry for the late update but don't worry I'm writing chapter 11 already and its going to be good it should be posted tomorrow.
Oh and the song she was singin was a Ed Sheeran song credits to him. There not always going to be English imma mix it up.

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