Chap.29 Final Chapter!

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I wipe my sweaty palms on my white gown as I look around, my eyes land on Baek. He gives me a reassuring nod as I smile and look at all them. Anthony, Darren, Alex, Baek and Auden. They all wave at me and give me thumbs up.

I just can't help but feel so nervous I have to make a speech because I am wearing a white gown so that means where the smartest or highest of the class something like that. So I have my paper in my hand, I stayed up last night writing it so hopefully it lives up to there expectations.

"Okay and now we have some speeches from our students. This next student to give a speech is going to attend the university of Los Angela's UCLA and she got offered a full ride, she is going to be majoring in dance choreography. This is Cassandra Sanchez"I hear my principle say I hear the crowd start clapping as I walk towards the stage set up on our football field.

Once I'm up I shake the principles hand and walk towards the microphone. I close my eyes and breath in before speaking.

"As we look at each other and think back to all the years we spent together in this school counting down to graduation waiting to leave. I've watched as we grew up became adults together we've grown and matured. People think our lives our done once were out of high school but its barely starting. This past year I've seen everyone make mistakes including myself but if those mistakes weren't made we woudn't have learned from them. But where here now we made it, I'd like to share a quote from a person that's taught me a lot in life  by just his quotes "If you can imaging it, you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can become it."  Congradulations Class of 2015"I finish up my speech and everyone claps I can't help but make contact with Zelo. He looks at me surprised but then slowly nods my way I quickly look away and head back to my seat as people continue clapping.

The next people that make speeches and I'm lost in my thoughts. I just continue looking at my hands and keel my eyes locked down when I hear my name called.

"Cassandra Sanchez"I look up and see there are a few people already walking to get there diploma. I stand up and walk with the other people.

When I make it up I shake the principles hand and then the Vice principles as they hand me my diploma I walk down the steps down. I walk back to my seat and wait for everyone to be called. I look at my diploma and can't help but smile. I made it after 4 years I made it I'm going to college I'm leaving this place.

I feel someone shake my shoulder and I turn to see Jay. I don't wan to argue today I just want to celebrate but it still hurts when I see him knowing he's the one that started it all.

"Hi"He says looking down at his hands. He has a gown on to with his hat the only difference is that I'm wearing white and he's not.

"Hi"I say and turn back around.

I feel him shake my shoulder again and I turn to him fast.

"I really don't  want to argue I wanna celebrate and your kind of running it for me so can you please stop"I say and he looks at me with his blue eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you congratulations on everything I'm proud of you and I know I was only your friend for a short time but I'm still going to be here for you no matter what I know I screwed up and I'm sorry for that I really am. And we are going to attend the same University I was thinking if we can start over and be friends since we might run into each other?"Jay says and I just look at him surprised but quickly recover.

"Zelo is going to the same University and I might see him but that won't make a difference as to his I feel about both of you. So why should I forgive you?"I say and he shakes his head.

"Zelo is going to UCLA after all hes attending the one here in San Diego  and Cassy we've known even other for a while please just forgive me I need you in my life more than you think"Jay says and I look at the ground and just think.

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