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I wake up to the house phone ringing, I quickly start running  out of my room and downstairs. As I'm halfway I accidentally trip on my brothers transformer toy and fall. I swear those transformers are evil. I  start rolling down the stairs as I groan in pain, it finally stops at the bottom. My head is hurting I  rub it from the pain and probably the new bruise I got. You see this is what I get for trying to answer the phone. I get up by but my butt hurts like hell, probably caused by the stair  mishap.

I start walking to the kitchen even if the phone isn't ringing anymore, since I couldn't make it in time, do to my stairs mishap. I sigh as I get the phone to see who it was, an unknown number. Really all this trouble for just a stupid phone call. I'm never answering the phone again. I look at the stove to check the time and its 6:00am. Once I'm awake I cannot sleep again might as well get ready. I'm about to go upstairs when I hear the phone rang again.

I walk over and answer it.

"Hello?"I say and wait for the person to answer.

"Oh Cass,  I just wanted to call and tell your grandma is in the hospital. Were going to stay here for 2 weeks"I hear my mom say threw the line, yet she doesn't say hello?

"Oh cool"I say clearly somewhat annoyed, yet happy she ain't coming back for a while .

"Ok well I just wanted to let you know since where going to be gone for a while. I gotta go Auden is waking up by love you" I hear her say and she hangs up. Yup she just tells me what she needs to say then hangs up what an amazing mother I have. To be honest I'm actually happy I get the house for myself for 2 whole weeks. I've never bothered to have parties or stuff I'm not that social. I probably only talk to Kiesha, since she's in my dance team sometimes we hang out in lunch, when she's not with her boyfriend.

I walk upstairs and decide to take a shower since I didn't take one after practice. I enter the bathroom and close the door after me and make sure to lock it. I turn on the water while I strip myself out of my clothes. Once the water is warm enough I step in the heat of the warm water makes me shiver a little before letting it pour on me.

Just standing in the water makes me forget about everything and everyone. I stay like this for a moment before actually cleaning myself up.

Once I'm done I grab a towel and wrap it around my hair, and another one for my body. I'm so glad I got this room a bathroom in the room, and my sister was going to get this room. I walk out of the restroom and head to my rooms closet. I don't really care what I wear. My closst is simple it only consists of skinny jeans(mostly black) and t-shirts, no dresses, skirts or shorts. I might not own some but I do have to wear them for dance.

I decide and wear some black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that reads L.A, I put on some black converse then head to the restroom to do my hair. I put my hair up in a high ponytail leaving some of my bangs out. I grab my glasses and put them on, before heading down stairs to eat.

I open the fridge and get the bag waffles and put two in the toaster. Meanwhile I head to the kitchen table and get my bags and skateboard I left here when I got home since I was too lazy to bring them into my room. I decided to cancel the dance practice for JV today give them a break. I go up to my room and leave my bags and skateboard  there, once I head down I smell something burning. I look at the kitchen and see my waffles burning I run to them and quickly take them out.

"My beautiful waffles, what have I done to you"I say and carry them in my hands and walk over to the trash can.

"Lady's and Gentlen, today we are gathered here for the ceremony for Syrup and butter, they were very good pastries forever they will live in our hearts"I say and then throw them in the trash cans.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now