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Pic of a girl. Just imagine her with dark pants. Hahha alright enjoy!

I start laughing and hold my stomach.

"Where'd you here that from?"I ask and he chuckles.

"Its a known fact to skaters, if you go down the ramp, you have to at least do a trick"He says and I laugh.

"Wow I've only taught myself a couple tricks I've never put to much thought into it"I say and he smiles and pulls up into a drive way.

"This is my friends ramp his name is Darren, he's a cool guy but gets competitive"Baek says and I nod.

"And we have Alex and Anthony  who are the A twin's what we call them, their more chill than Darren. Alex is loud and Anthony  is not so you'll notice who's who right away"Baek says again and I nod.

"Okay let's go"He says.

We get out of his car and head to the ramp it's pretty early like 3 pm. I fix my beanie and push my glasses up. Baek opens the gate for us and once we enter I see 4 people 2 are skating up and down and doing tricks and 1 is drinking something out of a red cup.

There is a water fountain in the corner and some flames painted on the walls it's pretty medium sized but it's weird how there's only 3 people here.

"Hey guys"Baek says and they all look at him.

"Bacon!!!"2 yell and run to him fast and tackle him to a hug. I laugh at what they call him and look at them.

"I'm here"He says chuckling and hugs them back before they step away from him and look at me.

One has dark brown hair and light skin with 2 ear piercings and he has a black shirt with some tacky pants and black  Nike high tops. The other one has light brown hair no piercing in his ears but has a eyebrow piercing,  a white shirt and tacky pants with some white Jordan's. I have a feeling these are the A twins, they  are not what I expected it's funny how there the total opposite one has a white shirt the other has black. I never thought skaters looked like this, I thought they'll have baggy clothes not look hot. I might have a boyfriend but it's not like imma date them.

I look behind them and see a guy drinking a soda he has black hair and is wearing a dark blue shirt and back jeans he has green eyes and a lip piercing. I'm guessing that's Darren. Seriosly what's up with these piercing its cool but it's shocking at the same time.

They look at me before the one with ear piercings smiles, oh he has dimples. He walks over to me and looks me over.

"Oooo Bacon!"He yells. I'm guessing this is Alex.

"This is Alex"Baek says and I laugh.

"You brought a girl, how long has that been hmmmhm what happened to Kate?"Alex says and nudges his shoulder playfully.

"Um she's a friend I met her today, this is Cassandra but call her Cas-"Baek says and I cut him off.

"Cassy, call me Cassy"I say smiling. I don't really like people calling me Cass only some like Baek even though I barely met him.

"Ooo so your not with her"Alex says and comes to me and wraps his arm around my waist.

I'm not used to this kind of attention especially from males but ever since Zelo I have some strength to stand up to them it's weird how a person can make you feel you stronger.

"Yea but I'm with someone else"I say and push him away slowly and he frowns but smiles again.

I see Anthony look at me then looks down smiling.

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