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During the car ride to the party Kiesha kept on talking about how to be careful and not to drink too much and all, she sounded like a parent. I let her go on and on about how she needs a drink because she's stressed while I look out the window the whole time wondering what am I going to do the whole time at the party. Since I don't drink and dance it's going to be boring.

"Were here!"She squeals at me and I give her my best fake smile. She parks the car not to far away from the house I see, its playing loud music and I see people outside with red plastic cups.

"Hey Ki who's party is this?"I ask as we get out of her car and start walking to the house.

"Um it's Jay's"She says slowly and I stop in my tracks and start walking back to the car but she grabs my hand and turns me back towards the house.

"I'm sorry just please come and stay he invited me and if he messes with you we'll leave I promise"She says and takes out her bottom lip and I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"Fine let's go"I say and start walking with her next to me hooking my arm with her.

We arrive at the front door and I knock trying to be polite. I turn towards Kiesha to ask her something but the door opens and I see the host of the party Jay.

"Hello ladies" He says and opens the door wide enough for both of us to enter. I nod to him saying hi. As soon as I enter I hear the music blasting my ears off. There's people on the dance floor swaying there body's together to the beat of the music. I see there's some people on the couch making out, and some just standing holding a drink with their hand and talking.

"Ok the drinks are in the kitchen and were about to play a game if you would like to join us?"Jay asks trying to be nice and I'm about to say no when my lovely friend chirps in.

"Yes! Sure"She says nodding and I just stay with my lips pursed.

"You guys can play, I'll just get a drink and watch" I say shrugging and looking around.

"Well Cassy you still haven't changed" He says smirking.

"Yea"I say.

"Okay well let's go to the game it's at the table in the corner" Jay says and points to a crowd in the corner.

"You guys can go, I'll meet you there in a few I'm going to get water"I say and walk to the kitchen once I enter I see a few people mixing up drinks like alcohol. I ignore them and look in the ice chest for some water. I open up all of them but only find beer. Great. I turn to the guys and see them laughing at something they did with the beer.

"Hey um do you guys know where the water bottles are?"I ask them and when they look up I see one of them is Alex Jay's best friend and the other guy I don't know.

I see Alex eyes rake down my body and I shift from one feet to another.

"Um yea we don't have water" Alex says and scratches his neck while still looking at me. Weird.

"Oh ok thanks"I say then start walking away when I feel my hand being pulled back. I look and see Alex has my hand in his he automatically pulls his hand back.

"You look beautiful tonight"He says and I look at him like he's crazy Alex always been mean to me because Jay is.

"Uh thanks"I say standing there in an awkward position.

"You wanna dance?"He asks.

"Um I don't know how to dance wait I mean I do know how to it's just that I don't know how to dance that wa since I've never bee-"I'm cut off by him taking me out if the kitchen and to the dance floor- living room.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now