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I lay down in my couch while watching the Little Mermaid and snacking on chips. When I had gotten home I changed then cleaned up the house a little bit before laying down. The school had called the house saying they thought I ditched but I said I wants feeling good so they left me off the hook, the perks of being a senior. I go upstairs to get my phone it was dead when I got home so I charged it. I run up the stairs careful not to fall again.

I open my door and run to my phone I check the percentage and it reads 100%. Yes!!

"It's alive!!"I scream to myself it's weird but I'm alone so it won't matter.

I check m notifications not that I'll have a lot. 1 from mom swipe I'll check it later 2 from vine of a dancing cat I'll check that later too. 3 from Kiesha those I'll check now.

Kiesha: Hey do you wanna hang out?

Kiesha: There's a party you in?

Kiesha: Please come....=-O

Me at parties no. I decide on calling her since these were from earlier on. I press call and wait for her yo answer come on.

"Hello?"I hear Kiesha say.

"Hey it's Cass"I say and close the door to my room then sit on my bed again.

"Oh!! Cass are you free of coarse you are do you want to go to a party?!"She asks basically more like screaming in my ear.

"Ki I don't wanna go that's why I called party's aren't my thing at all"I say and lean against my door frame.

"Come on Cass please just do this for me"She begs me, oh she knows this is m weakness.

"No tell your boyfriend to go with you"I say and sit down on the floor with my legs crossed.

"He's out of town visiting his grandma"She says in a depressed tone. Don't do it!

"Please..."She begs again.

"Fine!"I huff and hear her cheer on and yell how she love me and other stuff.

"Wait! What am gonna where I don't own any dresses or stuff"I say and stand up from my seat by the floor.

"Relax I have an extra dress. And I'll come over and we can get ready at your house then we'll leave from there sounds good?"She asks and I groan a yes.

"Okay I'll be right over"She says and hangs up.

Whoever thought me Cassandra Sanchez would go to a party yet even wear a dress.


When Kiesha came over she worked her magic and put make up all over my face curled my hair and made me put on a dress, luckily I convinced her the heels will be another level of me becoming a women. I slip on the dress then the my flats before looking in the mirror my hair is curled to perfection and sit in half to both of my shoulders. My dress is a dark burgundy skater dress that has a thin black belt in the middle, and has see through selves that reach up to my elbow.

I smile at my reflection in the mirror before grabbing my little bag that Kiesha had brought and let me borrow. I put my phone in my bag along with my house keys and chap stick. Before I walk out of my room I grab my glasses from my small desk and start walking downstairs where my friend is waiting for me. I see her sitting in the couch picking at her nails but when she notices me she smiles and runs to me.

"I knew that dress would look amazing on you!"She squeals and I give her a small smile. Kiesha's dress is different from mine hers is strapless and is black with a little puff to it.

"Yea cool so let's go and we better be home by 12"I say pointing my finger at her and she holds up her hand surrender.

We start walking to the front door and get out as I lock it, I pray tonight won't go as bad as I imagined it.

Sorry if it's s small chapter will update tomorrow to inform you what's happening on there party. Thanks again ILY all who read my story. Your Welcome Mrs.Choi.

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