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I look at my ankle and try to move it but it hurts too much.

"Okay I'm sorry to tell you this but it's broken" The doctor says.

"No please can't you fix it"I plead and feel my eyes get watery.

I was supposed to dance and compete for my last time before I graduated at the pep ralley.

"I can only fix it by putting a cast on, for 2 whole months"The doctor says and I wipe my eyes and nod.

"Okay" I say and see him go through his stuff before showing me the colors I can choose. I choose blue and he nods.

1hour later I have a blue cast around my ankle and halfway up my leg. I walk out of the hospital room I was at and head to the waiting room where I see Baek and Anthony, Darren and Alex.

"You got a cast?"They all ask and come close to me.

"Yea for 2 months"I say and they all pout and hug me.

Its been a week since Ki admitted everything and Jay and Zelo said the truth. It hurt a lot the first day I thought I couldn't move on but then the second day came and it hurt more. The following days were exactly the same school, home and crying. Then Saterday came which is today. They came into my room and I mean Anthony, Alex Darren and Baek they cuddled with me as I cried. They made me get out of bed and take a shower I wouldn't want too. So Anthony picked me up and took me in the shower then locked it and left. I had no choice but to shower im pretty sure I look bad my hair is in a messy bun and I'm wearing my black skinny jeans with converse and a white shirt. My eyes are swollen and I look kind of pale.

"Oh were sorry"Darren says and hugs me.

"Its not your fault. But this means I can't do dance anymore even though it's going to end in like 1 week I'll miss the last competition then I was supposed to audition for the dance team in UCLA" I say and they all shake there heads.

"I'm going to beat this Zelo"Darren mutters and they all agree.

"But there's something good out of it I work have to see them"I say meaning Zelo,Jay and Ki.

Just thinking of what they all did to me makes me wany to hide under my blankets. How could they be so cruel and do this? Especially Ki she was my best friend I did everything with her but it was all an act for her. Then Zelo to think of everything we did our kisses us telling each other we love you and cuddling. It was all a lie just to be popular.

"C'mon lets get you some ice cream"Baek says and Alex start cheering while Darren laughs.

Anthony grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. At first I tense up then I relax. I'm surprised that he got my hand because he's the quiet one not touchy. But he's my friend and that's what I need right now.

"You'll be fine"He says and I smile forced.

We get in Baeks car and start driving towards the ice cream shop. 10 minutes later where there. When I get out Anthony grabs my hand again and starts walking inside. I'm basically dragging my let with me, it's like the cast adds 5 pounds.

We hear a ding and I groan. I look around and freeze when I see Zelo.

I squeeze Anthony's hand and he looks at me confused.

Baek looks at me and up to see Zelo in front of all us.

"Cass"He says and tries to reach for me but I close my eyes. Anthony gets me and hugs me so my face is in his chest.

"Don't touch her like that"Zelo growls.
"Shut the fuck up Zelo you hurt her not us we can touch her if we want to"Baek says and steps close to him.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now