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Once we get off the charter bus I hear cheering probably from the parents. Yes we did get first place indeed for Varsity, JV got second not bad. I was very happy and so were everyone we had tried hard for this one especially since we have Zelo who is new and all be did great. I was a little worried for JV since they were kind of messing it up on practice but they got it right after a couple of times.

I slip my phone in my back pocket and wait for everyone to get off first as usual I just don't want to be crowded up.

  On the way back Zelo stayed with his friends and I stayed with mine.I know something interesting happened back on the trip him kissing me in McDonald's to  taking me on a date and all. But he has kind of been distanced lately  after we performed he's stuck to talking to Jay. It kind of bothered me but now I don't know.

I grab my duffle bag and start walking to the front of the bus and and down the steep steps. I see families hugging and see posters, I mean it wasn't that big of a competition if I'm completely honest but hey let them celebrate. I just wished that my family was here to do the same but there with my grandma.

I see Ki waiting for me with her bag on her shoulder and one hand on her hip waiting pationtly for me. She promised to give me a ride and I was glad cause I just want to go home and rest since tomorrow is Tuesday and we have school. I walk over to her and she puts one hand on my shoulder and pulls me close to her as I groan.

"My best friend"She says and we walk to her car that is all the way in the back parking lot she parked far.

"And my only friend"I say sarcastically and she chuckles.

"Okay so remember how I gave um..that guy a ride on Thursday" She says and I stop walking and look at her. I know who this guy is.

"Let me guess "that guy" is Zelo and "that guy" needs a ride"I say for her and she gives me a small smile as I shake my head.

Its not that I don't like Zelo I think it's pretty clear I do since we went out already. But I know we haven't talked and I just don't want to start anymore drama I want to keep everything clean. I also want Zelo to talk to me and hold me and all, but we barely went out and I can't think too much of it.

"Its cool I guess" I say shrugging and she squeals.

"Thanks"She says and I shrugged.

"But why did you park that far"I say pouting and she simply laughs And drags me yo the car without hesitation, man she's strong. I walk to the car and see a crowd of people surrounding it. I look at Ki and she shrugs.

I walk to the car and see Alex, Jay ,Zelo and some other guys. Ki smirks and unlocks the car and it makes a sound scaring probably most of the guys as they yelp but cover it with a cough. I laugh and get in the car and I see Ki do the same. I look out the window and see him Zelo say bye to his friends. I turn around and fix my duffle bag at my feet and put on ny seat belt on I read my head back and turn to Ki.

"Cam you drop me off first since I live closer"I ask and she nods and waits for Zelo to get in.

I heat the door open and sigh, I want no drama so I look out the window. Once he's ready she starts the car.

"So how did you guys like the competition?"Zelo asks and I ignore it for Ki could answer. I can feel her look at me so I close my eyes and focus on the sound if the car.

"It was good and fun I'm glad we got first place for Varsity"She says.

"Yea it was fun I can believe it was my first dance competition and we got first place"He says and Ki hums a yea. I open my eyes and see where almost at my house yes.

"What about you Cass you like it?"I hear  him say and I nod. I don't know but all of a sudden I felt like this hammer hit my head and know it hurts a lot.

"That's good"He says and I look out and see we're parked outside of my house. I sigh and rub my head from the pain I look up and see Ki look at me worried.

"Are you okay Cass?"She says and looks at me and puts her hands on my shoulder as she looks me over.

"Ummhm I just got a big headache"I say and open my car door. I could feel Zelos eyes on me as I step out of the car.

"Okay well text me later"She says and I nod. I grab my bag and close the door I start walking towards the front door of my house.

I hear a car door open and close I ignore it and continue walking when I hear my name. Just great, fucking great!!

"Cass!"Zelo shouts and I could hear his footsteps getting close to me as I turn and look at him.

He looks at me with a pleading expression and I see his eyes have bags under them, probably  caused by our 6 day field trip with no good sleep.

"Hmm?"I say softly and he walks closer as I walk back a little and he frowns.

"Umm how come you didn't talk to me during the ride to your house? He asks and slips his hand into his pocket and looks at me nervously.

"Zelo you didn't talk to me the rest of the trip after the competition, then you go ahead and ask me why I didn't talk to you for 5 minutes?"I question him and realise my voice raised up a bit. I sigh and and rub my forehead and look at him and see he is looking down privy avoiding my eyes.

"You know what I'm tired from the trip, I have a headache I don't need this right now especially if your going to stay quiet and not respond" I finally say and walk up to my door and get my keys out.

I unlock my door and see him walk away and towards the car he gets in and I turn around and lock the door and head upstairs to my 2nd best friend my bed. I drop my duffle bag b the door and jump on my bed.

"I missed you so much the beds in the hotels dont compare to you" I say and try to wrap my arms around the entire mattress which I fail since its a queen bed.

"I missed you so much Cassy!"I say in a guy voice indicating that it's the bed.

"Mhhm I feel so special" I say and smile and get the comforter and wrap it around my body.

"Dang you talk to your bed too? And I thought I was the only one who thought you were this crazy"I hear a husky voice say and scream

Authors Note:
Hello my fellow readers in this chapter there back in San Diego where they live. Couple of things I never ask for a lot of stuff in my stories but if you possibly can please tell your friends about this story and spread the word thankyou if not its totally fine. I will understand. Next thing is

Who was that person spying on Cassy that interrupted her talk with the bed? Hmm?

Is it Zelo??Hmm?




A random person JK

Okay next thing I will be adding a new character not saying his name but he is in a band in kpop...*hint* his name starts with a B that is the only hint I will give. Okay so thankyou again for the reads and those who vote and comment means a lot. I will see you soon!:-D

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