Chapter 2

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~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~
"Is he asleep?" I asked as he walked back into the room. "Yes he is. Why?" He asked. "So I can spoil him some more." I smirked. He glared at me. "Watch yourself. He's about to be 6." He said sternly. "So? My baby will always be a baby to me." I say. He chuckled and got in bed with me. "Not on my watch. Your gonna treat him like man." He said. I rolled over. "Is that what Stormie did with you?" I asked. "No. Mommy let me be." He said. I entwined our fingers and played with his. "Thats what mommy is gonna do. Let Jacob be his own person. Not go military on him." I say. "Well. He knows alot like that tour coming up in 3 weeks." He said. What!? "Tour? Excuse me?" I asked him. "Well.... Um...You see. I was gonna take him on the road with me." He said nervously. "No. My answer is no." I say getting off him and turning away. "Woah. You didn't even let me finish." He whined. "I don't have to. Your not putting Jake out there." I say. "Woah. Why not?" He asked. "Because my baby is under the influence of having famous parents and isn't being treated equally. I don't want that. I want him to have a normal life." I say. He sat up a bit as if trying to understand my feelings towards it.
"But have you seen how much he's accomplishing?" He asked. "Ross. What part of I want him to be normal don't you get? I don't want him being bombarded with questions and cameras. He's delicate." I say. He chuckled. "Don't you think I know that? I mean its kinda like me." He said. I bit my lip. Is he serious? "Do you honestly have to make everything about yourself you selfish mother puff pocket!?" I asked. He laughed. "I'm not letting you take him on tour. He has school." I say. "He can have a teacher." He said. "Paparrazzi will take tons of pics and he'll become camera shy." I say. "We'll get him security. Huh? Huh? Come on what do you think?" He asked. "Mr.Lynch. My answer is still no." I say and turn away to go to sleep. He sighed and joined me. He wrapped his arms around me and turned the lights off. "Your so protective." He whispered and yawned. Of course I am. What mother would let her little one be all the way across the world?
~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~
"Bad news. Your mom wants you home." I tell him. "What? Did you tell her?" He asked. "Yes. She just seems like she's not ready to let go yet. She wants you in arms reach." I say. He frowned but smiled slightly. "What's up? Talk to daddy." I say placing him on my lap. "Well. Mom says that one day I'll grow to be just like you. She said I look better than you do. I--" I cut him off and turn him to face me. "Woah! Woah! Your mom told you that you looked better than me?!" I asked. He nodded his head. "Why would you say such thing? Clearly I'm the good looking one here." I say. He looked at me and I heard him chuckle. "Its not funny. What else did your mom say behind my back?" I asked. He frowned but perked up. "She said your getting lazy. Your becoming even more of a mess. And something about music." He said. What? Laura said all those things about me!? We need to talk. "Dad. I'm gonna just leave and help mom." He said climbing off my lap. "Can I talk to her first?" I asked. He nodded and smiled. Then he walked away. Psh... More good looking than I am really?

"Laura." I say trying to get her to look at me. "Hm?" She asked as she kept folding my laundry. "Give me that." I say taking the shirt she just took out of the dryer. She handed it over. "You told Jake he was more handsome than I am?" I asked. She looked up. "Of course I did. He is." She smirked. "How when clearly I'm gorgeous?" I teased. "Shut the shit up. Jake is adorable. He's gonna beat you. Its gonna be an all out battle." She smiled. "No its not. Now tell me why he can't be on tour with me?" I asked. She looked at me then returned to her folding. "No. I'm just worried about him thats all." She said taking the next load. Oh I get it. "Your not ready for him to leave the nest are you?" I asked. She sighed and sat on the table and I stood in front of her. "Its just he's growing so fast. It feels like just yesterday he was brought into this world. I don't want to lose any time or miss out on any of it." She frowned. "You do know that you can come right?" I chuckled. "I know but if we're together, it draws more attention. I want him to be care free for now". She said. I understood where she was coming from. As a mother, she just wants whats best for him and wants to cherish the time they have left together. Once a guy reaches a certain age, he tends to lose sight of important things.Maybe that's what she's worried about.

"I'll help you out." I say. She rolled her eyes and pushed me. "What?" I asked. "I don't think I want that for a little while." She said wrapping her around my neck. "But you should relax." I say trailing kisses in her neck. She smiled. "I am relaxed." She said. "No your not." I said as I captured her lips with mine. She kissed back. I smiled and deepened it. She dug her heel in my calf. "I love you." I mumbled on her neck. "I love you too."
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