Chapter 5

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to the sound of Ross' light snores. I smiled as I looked at his adorable face. Looking at his face brought me to think about Jake. Something is going on with him. I wonder if he shares secrets with his dad. They seem so close that sometimes I'm the 3rd wheel. They have jokes which I don't seem to get but knowing me, I think even the corniest jokes are funny. I brushed the hair in his eyes away. He moved over. I smiled. Same way Jacob reacts everytime I do that. "Are you okay?" He mumbled not looking at me but looking at me. "I'm fine. Go back to bed."I whispered to him. "I'm up. It's over."He said.I chuckled. I laid down next to him. We cuddled up like last night. "Be there?" I asked. "Uh...I have this I might not."He said. I turned around to face him."Are you kidding me?" I asked him. "Look. I told you. I might be wrong."He said. I rubbed his arm and looked away. He kissed my forehead. "Is there any thing I should know about?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I promise."He said. I pecked his lips and turned back to go to sleep.

"Mommy.There's this really cool thing happening on Friday and you should come."He said giving me a card.I looked at it and it was an invitation to some girl's birthday party. "Aww.Does wittle Jake have a crushie-wushie?"I teased him. He blushed. "No mommy. She's a friend.Cooties."He said. I chuckled. "Cooties really?"I asked. He nodded. "I'm not into her like that. Dad told me to focus on my life before I focus on...them." He shivered. I laughed. "Your dad, the player of all players, told you that?"I asked. He nodded. "Yeah.He said everything good comes when your just out there being you." He said. Wow. "By any chance did your dad talk to you about what to do in certain situations?"I asked. He looked at me confused for a second. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You know you can come to me any time right?"I asked. "Yeah. Your mommy. The best friend I could ever have."He smiled at me. I smiled but this brought a sharp pain. Oh what I would do to hear those words for some time. He's grown up so much. One day he won't even have to worry about me. "Mommy?" He called. I looked at him. "Hm?" I asked. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah why?" I asked. "Because you kinda zoned out on me."He said. I shook my head and hugged him. He hugged back. I wish moments like these could last a life time. Man this is hard.

"Hello..." I greeted my husband who was sneaking upstairs. "Baby."He said. I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Yes?" I say. He looked around for a moment. "There's this uh...thing where I just...uh...happen to forget what it is that I need or want." He said. "Lynch." I say. "Yes Mrs.Lynch. I remember our last name."He smirked. "It'll only be yours if you keep it up." I say. "Hey. Look at that. It's already 4. You and Jake should hang out at that party he was invited to." He said. I gave him a look. "How did you know about that?" I asked. "Jake kinda asked me to take him." He said. I raised my eyebrow. "Then why didn't you instead of me?" I asked. "Because he wanted to finally do something with you." He said. I gave him a look. He was telling the truth. "What's in the bag?" I pointed to the bag in his hand. " A present for Jake." He said pursing his lips." Okay." Isay. He walked over and pecked my cheek. "Take him there." He said and walked away. Woooow. Okay.Now I'm a butler. Great.
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