Chapter 46

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~
I paced back and forth waiting for them to call me into the room. She wasn't ready to give birth yet and I lost my cool and needed to step out for a little bit. There was no way, just no way I could be in the room. But I need to be there for her. My Laura. My wife. Who will be bringing our second child into the world. Still no information about gender but I know for sure that he or she will be just like their mother. Stubborn which is weird since that trait applies to me also.

"What are you doing out here?! You should be in there!" My mother said. I nodded. "I know but they told me to cool off. They were pissing me off. Like it's my child. She said she'd be fine but I know her. I'm going to try my best then go back in." I tell her. "Well you better because this defeats the whole purpose of having a child together." She said. I chuckled lightly and nodded walking over to the room she was held in. I took a deep breath before actually entering the room.

"Are calm now?" She asked softly. I nodded. "I'm sorry. I just needed a moment." I say. She tried to smile but instead she had a pained face on. "I'm glad you got your moment. Now..." She motioned me over. I looked at her and did as she wanted. Suddenly she had my collar and was shouting at me. "GET THIS CHILD OUT OF ME! I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO JUST GET IT OUT!" She shouted. I rubbed her head. "Shh.....It will be over before you know it. Remember stressing yourself out is not good." I whispered to her even though I want to run for the hills. She is all beauty but pure monster.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DOCTOR! I WANT IT OUT NOW!" She screamed in agony. I wiped off her cheeks. "Just one more dilation and your fine." I say. She held my wrist and I swear the blood that was going through my veins is now spilling into my bones. Dear god, I beg you to allow me to live to see my new born gift you have given me. I would like to take a moment to thank you for all---

"ROSS!" She said. "I know baby. Relax. Just relax." I say rubbing the tears and sweat off her forehead. I kissed it softly as she tried to push me away. "Call them now!" She begged me. "You'll be fine. Just relax." I tell her as calmly as I can. She laughed. I looked at her and it wasn't a laugh of joy. No it was a laugh saying,"if you tell me to fucking calm down one more time,you'll be on this bed instead of me." I made small circles on her hand and kissed it trying to get her to calm down a bit.

"Do you want to tell me now?" I asked her. She held the hospital bed tightly and bit her lip as if trying to ease the pain she was feeling. "Sure. Peek inside and see it for yourself. And while your at it, GET IT OUT!" She said pointing to her stomach. I felt so bad. At least it wasn't like Jacob. She nearly ate me alive. A knock came at the door. "Come in." I say making more circles on her hand. It seemed to calm her a little bit. "Alright. We need to move her into another room." The doctor said once he's in.

"Why?" I asked. "ROSS! OH!" She cried out all of a sudden. "Your baby has switched directions and we need it to switch back. Its minor so it won't take long.Now please go." He instructed. "Ross! Help me!" She called. I held her hand and kissed it. "I'm here. I'm right here. Come on. Lets go have our baby." I say. She nodded even though she still had the most painful expression on her face. We passed by my family who all looked confused. "I'll explain later. We have to go." I tell my mom. She nods.

"Alright. Mrs.Lynch. I need you to give me one good push." Her doctor told her. She took a deep breath and held my hand tightly. "Right here." I say. "Aaaaahhhhh!!!" She pushed as hard as she could. I wiped off her head. "Your doing great. Just listen to the sound of my voice." I say. "A little more..Push a little harder." She called. She closed her eyes! "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" She screamed taking deep breaths and pushing out as hard as she can. "Your a natural. Just one more. Just one more." I tell her rubbing her head.

"I love you. You can do it." I say. She shook her head. "I can't Ross. I don't have the strength to do it..." She gasped for air. "I see a head! Come on!" Her doctor called. "You can do it! You had Jacob. Remember what if felt like holding him in your arms. I love you and I know you have it in you come on." I say. She braced herself once more and held my hand so tight I could here the bones start to crack. She uproared as she gave her all. In an instant, baby cries filled the room. She fell back on her pillow.

I kissed her head and pecked her lips. "You did it." I praised her. "Next time, you have the baby." She said. I kissed her once more. She smiled weakly. "I love you." I say looking over to where they held our child. The nurse smiled bringing our god given gift. She reached out. "Congradulations. You had a baby girl." She smiled handing us the baby. I smiled looking at my daughter. She was beautiful. Absolutely precious. "She's beautiful." I stay in total awe. She smiled. "And she's ours." She said kissing her small head. "Name?" I asked. She smiled.

"Tell Rocky I won." Ryland said. I chuckled. Here we go. "Ryland. You just accept the fact that I will always be the best uncle. Relax and take a chill pill. I know its a girl." He told our younger brother. I smiled. "Auntie is here! How is he/she?" Rydel asked. "Well if everyone would stop talking allow us to introduce our new---" I was cut off by Riker. "Get on with it!" He called. I chuckled. "Dad!" Jacob called. "Jake." I smiled as he ran up to me.

"So what did mommy have?" He asked. I smiled and place him next to his mother. He smiled looking at his baby sister. "What's the name?" He asked. I smiled at Laura who smiled back at me. "Mom..Tell them to just tell us so I can get my money." Rocky whined. "You bet on my child? AGAIN?!" I asked. They shrugged. "Well...Family. I would you all to meet our beautiful daughter, Nicole Jaden Lynch." The all gasped in awe and mom walked over with open arms. I smiled as everyone engulfed us into a hug.
Welcome to the world Nicole. Shout out to Iknowyougotawayraura for the name suggestion. I liked it a lot. Thank you guys so much honestly. I just been dragging this for the longest. I love you guys! Comment and Vote!!!!

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