Chapter 26

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"I don't want to talk about it anymore." She snapped at me. "What? I just need you to stop and listen to me right now." I say grabbing her arm. She pushed me off. "Don't touch me!" She shouted at me. "Laura. Just stop. Lets talk about this please." I say. She pushed me off of her and started to walk off. "Laura. Will you just stop and look at me?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me. Then there I noticed the tears pricking her eyes. "Baby...." I started.

"Why didn't you tell me? After everything that we have been through? Is this how your gonna treat me?" She asked. "No. This was never that way. I would never do that to you. Look at what we have." I said. She shook her head and wiped off her cheek. I don't like seeing her cry. She shouldn't be crying in the first place. "I want to be alone". She said and walked into our bedroom and closed the door in my face. I sighed. Jacob walked over to me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and forced a smile. I heard her silent sobs through the door.

"What's wrong with mommy?" He asked as he tried to go inside the room. I sighed. "Nothing. She's fine." I say. "Then why does she sound like she's crying?" He asked. "She's not. Now get to bed please." I say. He tilted his head. "Dad are you okay?" He asked. I nodded.Minus my queen crying. I'm fine.He stared at me for a second. "Alright." He said walking off hesistantly. I sighed of relief. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Laura....Baby please open the door." I knocked.I heard shuffling and her sobs got a little louder.

"Baby...I promise this is just a misunderstanding. I'll tell you the truth 100%. Just open the door please sweetie."I say. She didn't even make an attempt to make her way to the door. "Laura..." I knocked. "How could you say such thing? To top it off, why would you do this to me?" She asked between breaths. "I'm not doing amything bad. I wouldn't throw what we have away. This is my life." I say pounding on my chest. "Laura. I love you. Nothing anyone says or does will change that." I say. "Its not about what they say.I don't care what anyone says. I only care of what you say. But now I'm not so sure." She sobbed taking a deep breath. "Open the door please...." I say. I knew she was standing there debating if she should or shouldn't. I heard the lock click.

The door cracked open. I looked around and entered the room. She laid on our bed with her head tucked in the pillow as she sobbed silently to herself. I took a deep breath and sat next to her. Don't get slapped. Please don't slap me.Please don't slap me. I rubbed her back. "There is nothing bigger in this world than you have to offer me. Laur...I love you. The media can say all the crap in the world. I have never once said anything in those magazines. Yes those people exist in my life. But their coworkers. And I wasn't fooling around with anyone. Its only you that I do that with." I say trying to clear up the misunderstandings.

"Those late nights I swear to you I was at the studio. I didn't tell you about the other locations because I know you. You'd jump to conclusions. Just like now. Yes everything on that page is true---" She sat up before I could finish. She had nothing but pure anger displayed on her face. God, I love you. She raised her hand but it never came in contact with my face. I sat ther like the man that I am ready for anything she may throw at me. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to her. "Does this not mean anything to you?" She asked pointing to her stomach. I gulped. "It means the world. I know how hard it was for you to allow that to happen." I say. She released me and wiped off the tears streaming down her face.

"No. No. Please." I say cupping her face. "Don't touch me you prick." She said pushing me away. I looked at her. "I would never do that to you. Please. If I told you about all of this, you wouldn't like it any less than you already do. Please. Just look at me. Let me explain it to you. I didn't tell you about that because you would've suspected me of having an affair or something. Laura your my everything. Jake is my everything. Where would my life be without you guys?"I asked. "So you admit that you wanted this? You wanted it be that way? You wanted her and what she was offering you?" She said between sobs. I started to break down also.

"I didn't have an affair! Yes the date was true! I didn't do anything with her! We went out to dinner. It was alate dinner but nothing happened between us. It was business. Only business. The magazine makes me sound like a compulsive liar. I did go over to her place. But there was nothing between us. I swear. And if you don't believe me, ask the one person you have as a reliable resource." I say. She shook her head. "If I trusted you enough to marry you, to have kids with you, to love and to hold til death do us apart, why wouldn't I trust you to tell me the truth? You went to her place, you had a few drinks. Told her that your family wasn't at all what you wanted it be. What did you want it to huh? Did you want to be something more or something less?" She asked coldly. I froze.
I expect updates from my favorites! That would be the est birthday present for me today:) Comment and Vote!!!!!!!

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