Chapter 35

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~
"As in Marano?" She asked. I nodded. She chuckled. "How did that happen?" She asked returning to her old cheery self. "Long story short, we loved then made love." I say as subtle as possible without Jake getting it. She laughed. "Oh I see. Well it was nice seeing you. And this little cutie." She waved at him once more. He shyly waved back and gave my hand a squeeze. "We should talk some other time." She said. "We should." I say. She smiled and waved goodbye as she continued to walk away. I turned around to Jake with his eyebrow raised at me.

"What?" I ask. "You used to have a crush on her." He smirked. "I did not. Now lets go before mommy gets worried." I say trying to avoid the topic. He chuckled. "No. Tonight I go to grandma remember?" He asked. Was it really her night? I looked at my watch. It was. "Alright fine. I'll drop you off at grandma's as we start to go home. I just need to find mommy her present first." I say to him."Why? All mommy is giving you is a new baby. What ever that means." He rolled his eyes. I chuckled. Oh yeah. I got him now.

"Oh and be sure to go to sleep at 9 sharp!" I say looking at my watch one more. "Who are you to tell him when to sleep?" Mommy asked me. "Uh...his father?" I asked. She chuckled and hugged me.I hugged her back. "I know sweetie but its the weekend. Let the boy live a little." She said. "Uh..If I allowed that, someone would chew my ass and give me the speech about how children should be cared for and given proper care and nourishment." I tell her. She raised her eyebrow at me.

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