Chapter 27

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~
I waited for his reply and he didn't say anything at all. He was mad. He was pissed off to be exact. "Tell me!" I shouted at him. "Why would I ever? Tell me. Does that make sense to you at all?" He asked me. "I have never in our lives believed what any of the magazines say. But when it comes to involvement of our family, I want to know the truth. All I'm asking is for you to fucking tell me the truth! That's it! That was one of our vows! To tell each other the truth no matter what! No matter how ugly it may be!" I defended. He looked at me and walked over to the magazine. He picked it up and tossed it at me.

"That makes it seem like I slept with her or something. Laura you know I would tell you 100% no doubt about it. It was a business meet. Nothing happened between us! It was me and Rocky.She was gonna be with us in the studio. Its all business and promotion. That's all to it!" He defended. "Then why didn't I hear about this!? And to top it off, you were drinking!" I say. "Get it through your thick head! It was business!" He said. I crossed my arms and tossed the magazine at his face. I bit the flesh on my lip as tears rolled down my cheek. He looked at me."Laur..." He said softly. "Get out.GET OUT!" I shouted at him. Throwing anything I could find at him until he disappeared. I then put my face in the pillow and cried myself to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well there goes my life. My wife won't talk to me. And to top it off, she thinks I'm lying to her about everything. But I would never lie to her about anything. And she knows that. Why is she suddenly believing what the stupid magazines have to say? Maybe it cause of her hormones or something. She refuses to let anything I say to her sink in. But I hope it does at some point. But then I insulted her. Only gonna earn me a bite on the butt in a few hours. It would be a surprise if she even makes breakfast and gives it to me. I laid on my new bed. The couch and tried to get comfortable. It was comfortable. Only for a little bit.

I woke up with Jake staring at my face. I jumped up. He chuckled. "Dad did you sleep on the couch?" He asked. I stretched and cracked my bones. He made faces hearing the snaps and cracks between my stretches. I shook my head. "I think I fell a sleep without noticing it." I fake laughed. "You looked like you were aware. You looked at peace." He said. Well I was. Until your face appeared. "You scared me." I laughed. He chuckled. "I was gonna wake you up. Mommy said she wanted to take me out. I didn't want you to go crazy when you woke up with us gone." He said. And that last part echoed in my head.

My head started to spin. Losing my son? My wife? My family? My life? All at once? No. I forced a smile. "Oh thanks.Did you get ready already?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No. I will. I just want to make sure your okay." He said. Always caring for everyone. That's Jake. I smiled. "You go get ready and I'll talk to mommy. Thanks buddy." I say petting his hair and getting up. He smiled and walked away. I stretched out some more and cleared up the couch. I then made my way back to our bedroom.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I looked at myself in the mirror and the little round flat stomach I had going on. Another one of us. I smiled at the thought but the events of last night clouded over. I sighed and put my shirt down. I then zipped myself up. It was cold and Christmas was approaching soon. I thought to help clear my mind, why not tale Jake shopping amd spend some time together before he's off with his ungrateful father. The kid is nothing like him. Well almost nothing like him. "Laur..." I heard behind me. I turned and there he was.

I looked at him for a moment. I then turned back to getting ready. "Look I'm sorry about last night. I was just a little upset that you won't believe. I have never lied to you. I am always true with you all the way. I love you and I wouldn't do that to you." He said approaching me. I tried to reach for my shoes but he stopped me. I just looked at him. "May I?" He asked. I sat down and he put my shoes on for me. This be the man who called me a hard head. My husband. My jerk. I couldn't get any words out so I let him talk.

"Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." He said. I stood up as he tied the laces on the boots. I nodded. I cleared my throat. "Give me space and time." I say softly. He nodded. "Fair enough.By any chance, do you know where my kit is?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. What he do without me? I pointed to the bathroom. "Where in there?" He asked. I pointed to my hair. He smiled painfully. I shool my head and made my way out the door. "One more thing." He said. I looked at him.

"I love you." He said. I nodded. "I love you too." I said softly. He leaned over and pecked my cheek. "Jake. Lets go. Mommy is ready!" I shouted. He came running as if someone was chasing him. "Is someone after you or something!?" I laughed. He laughed also. "No. Just really excited." He said. I chuckled and took his hand. "Bye dad." He waved. "Bye. See you soon." He said. Or in days....
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