Chapter 10

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I stared at Laura as she laughed hysterically. "Don't let him take my baby." She laughed. "Who?" I asked. "Him". She pointed to the corner. I looked and saw no one there. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "I need hospital. Now."She laughed. I looked in her eye. She had dark circles underneath them. "Rossy please. Keep my baby away from him. Keep Jake away." She said. "How did you get here?" I asked her. She shook her head. I picked her up and quickly took her to the car. I got in the car and drove off.

I brought her in and immediately doctors all took her in. They have been working on her for an hour now and I still have no idea what happened. I called Delly. "Where are you guys!?" She asked as soon as she picked up. "I'm at the hospital. I found Laura and she looks like she had been drugged or something. She was laughing. Like really laughing. It seemed almost as if it was painful for her to laugh. Did you guys see anyone pass by without being allowed in?"I asked. She didn't say anything so I thought she must be thinking. "No. Nothing." She said. "Hey. She said watch out for him. Where's Jake?" I asked. "I thought he was with you". She said. "What!? No. Where's my son!?" I shouted causing everyone to look at me. "I'm gonna look for him." She said. "Search the whole primeter! Find my son! Alert everyone!" I shouted. "Sh..."They said to me. "You sh..." I said. "Mr.Lynch." A doctor called me. "See you! Find him!" I say and hang up. I looked at the doctor. "Well? Are you going to tell me what's wrong with my wife?" I asked.

"Sir. Your wife was drugged. Its a good thi g you brought her here. If you hadn't she would've died."She told me. My blood ran cold. My Laura would've died? Who did this? First my wife then now my son!? I swear to god who ever did this will die! I will kill that son of a bitch! My son is out there somewhere! I'm gonna kill them! I'm gonna kill them! Why are they always targeting my family!? "Sir. We need to keep your wife here. She has to get operated on. We need to get the drug out as soon as possible otherwise, she will die."She said. "Please do anything in your power to keep her alive." I tell her. "I won't let anything happen to her. Remain calm. I will do everything in my power to do so". She said. I nodded. "Please. Just make sure." I say. She nodded and smiled. "Call me if anything happen."I say turning to dash out.

"Delly!!" I shouted as soon as I seen her."I can't find him anywhere. I looked around the whole neighborhood. I checked the security footage and nothing. I only saw when he opened the door. After that, your cameras were down." She said. What!? "What? No. I just got new ones."I say. "Well its down. The last time I seen him was when he was at the backyard with Sarah. And they were both with Riker." She said. "Where's Riker and our kids!?" I asked. "I haven't seen him since then either." She said. "Wait. Where's everyone else?" I asked. "I told them to go home. I couldn't have them worry." She said. I paced back and forth. No. She's gonna kill me. Jacob. Where are you? Give me a sign. Just tell me your okay. Just then our family photo fell. It broke right between Laura and I. Then there was the broken glass right over Jacob. This made my heart drop. Delly held me. "We'll find him." She whispered.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Uknown's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wow. This was almost way too easy. "Hello?" He called out. Wow. The kid is adorable. I'll give them the credit. They made a decent child for sure. But now it's easier. While his precisous little mommy is down and out, I can take him out too. "Is any body here?" He asked. I laughed to myself. I'd almost be a bad person. But this couple gets on my nerves. I will be better off picking corn. But I need to do this. Its for them. They may never know about this. Who ever does find out, I take them down with the rest of them.

"Hey cutie."I greeted the little brat. "Who are you?" He asked. "Awww. Didn't mommy and daddy tell you about great uncle?" I asked. "No. I don't even remember seeing you any of our family pictures." He said. "I'm there. I'm small." I lied. "No. There was only one small person and that was me. Everyone else was huge." He chuckled. What the hell is so funny? "Jacob?" I asked. He looked at me and stopped laughing. "Where is mommy?" He asked. "Mommy is dead." I say gritting my teeth. His eyes widened. "Wha....What?" He asked almost in tears. I smirked. "You hurt mommy?" He asked. "Of course I did. Then after mommy is daddy and after daddy is... you." I smirk. He looked at me as if I was crazy and had 20 heads. "No. Daddy is tough. He'll be you. Mommy is strong. She'll heal. And I'm me. Don't hurt my family". He said. Wow. Kid's got guts.

"Aww. Aren't you just adorable?" I asked. He covered himself. "Don't worry. After your mom dies in 3 hours, then I'll plan your death." I say to him. He didn't cry. He wanted to. He was just a child. Looking at him made me sick. He was Ross Lynch's son. I could just tell just by lokking at him. "Mommy will live. And daddy will help her. He'll take care of her. He loves her and me. I love mommy too. We'll take care of her together." He said. "How would you if your dead?" I said pointing a gun at him. How bizzare? I'm threatening to shoot a six year old. But what do I have to live for? I smirked as he started to shake in fear. Yes. Come and get me Ross.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WHO JUST HAD THE CHILLS BECAUSE I DID! Comment and Vote!!!!!!

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