Chapter 33

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt so much better. "Dad!" Jake ran in. "Hey buddy!" I smiled. "How are you? Mommy wouldn't let me see you unless I ate my vegtables. Yuck!" He said making a grossed out face. I chuckled. "What did she make?" I asked him. "Oh. She made cookies but won't allow me to get some until I have digested whats in here." He said holding his stomach and shaking it. I laughed. "Careful. You don't want too many giggles. Its contagious I heard. Mommy said especially when you get the giggles."He said poking my nose. What? Oh hell no.

I picked him off his feet. "No! Not again!" He cried out. "Huh? Why not? I think you deserve a little laughter!!" I say doing it in my monster voice as I started tickling him. "Okay! Mommy!"He laughed. I let him take a breath.He tried to calm down. I sat up and cracked my knuckles. "Time to get a visit huh?" I asked. "No!" He shook his head and dashed out of the room. I quickly got up and slipped on my slippers before running out of the room to find him. "Jake? Woah! Where are you going mister!?" I heard her shout. I then heard the door slam shut.

I quickly dashed in the kitchen. "Where is he!?" I asked her. She jumped. "Oh my. You nearly gave me heart attack.Where is who?" She asked. Of course she'll protect him. "Where's Jake? Jacob? Where is he?" I asked. She looked above my head. "I don't know." She said. Hm? Does she? "I need to find him." I say. "So? I need to find you."She said closing her eyes and pointing in random directions. "Okay. You are hanging around Rocky way too much." I say. She giggled.

"Am not." She said. "Are too." I say. She walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her waist. Hm? Using mommy as a distraction and to cover up in less than 45 seconds? Wow. He's good. "Where's Jake?" I eyed her. "I don't know. Where is he?" She asked me. I pouted. She giggled. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Better. A lot better. But right now, I need to find Jake." I say trying to pull away. "Not if Jake finds you first."She smirked. Don't tell me. She pulled away from me quickly as my little boy squirted me with a water gun.

I faked a mad face. "Really? All this time?" I asked angrily. "I'm sorry dad. It was mom's idea." He said. I looked at the lady with the covered laughing face. "Oh. So two against one huh? Very well. You should see You should see." I say angrily. "Jake." She said. He tossed her the gun. What is she? She sprayed me in the face as she bursted into a laughing fit. "You seemed a little hot. So I thought you should cool off." She laughed. Grrr......"Okay. Team LAKE 1 and Ross 0. Game on."I say and leave the room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~
Team LAKE was up one point as for the score being 2 to 1. We were so paranoid. The slightest sound and we would flinch. He was good. Better than we thought. He used his sickness against us. It wasn't funny. I thought he was dying. Jake is now terrified. All we could think of waspossibly tossing him into the pool, which we did getting us the lead. And now we have been locked in the bathroom for god knows how long. Jake looked at me.

"Do you think he's out here?" He whispered slowly walking towards the door. "Wait!"I called him. He looked at me. "What?" He asked. "You know how grandma filled your nusery with a bunch of baby wipes?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah?" He asked. "How about we get dye and you get your markers amd fake dirty wipes?" I asked him. "Yes." He smiled. "Lets go!" He said. As soon as je opened the door, we were greeted with pies to the face. Damn it. "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW!? HAHAHA!" He laughed as we wiped off the pie cream on our face. He lick some off my face. "Hm? Revenge is sweet." He smirked.

LAKE -2 and now Ross-2. I took the towel that he offered and wiped off my face. Something about it doesn't see right. Oh my. I dropped it. He bursted into a laughing fit. Shit.Make that 3. Urgh...."Why would you do that!?" I asked looking at the towel laying on the ground. "Because its funny." He laughed holdimg his stomach. I nodded over at Jake to tell him to proceed. He nodded back and left. "No its not. Thats rude. First pie to the face then a piss smelling towel? Did you piss on it?" I asked him.He chuckled. "What? No. Its the towel that you just took to the washers." He said. God. "EERRGGGH!" I shouted and turned towards the bathroom.

I washed off my face the best I could. Oh this is not over. "Ew! Ew! Who put these in my room?!" He shouted. I smirked. Well done Jake. "OH MY GOD IS THAT POOP!?" I heard Jake's laughter fill the hallway. I had to go see it. I walked out the bathroom. One more thing, I walked towards the kitchen to get some cookies. I then grabbed some fudge and ice cream. I then made my way towards them. "Alright. Alright. You win."They both called at the same time. I smirked. "Who wins?" I smirked. "Of course you do." He said. Ass kisser. "Mommy?" Jake called.

I looked at him. He pointed to my head as Ross stood there smirking. "Screw you! Ugh! I swear Lynch if this does not come off!" I say. How is he doing this!? "Alright dad. You win. We're sorry. We should've stuck with hide and seek. But we just wanted to do something fun. And now mom has red hair and your practically missing a finger and my feet hurt." He said pointing to our imperfections. I bursted out into laughter.He wrapped his arms around me and pecked my cheek. "So I guess we're all winners?" Jake asked. I nodded. And we all pulled out water guns filled. I swear Lynch's think alike. "Sour milk." Jake answered looking at his father. "Grits." He responded and they both looked at me as we each turned our backs on one another. "Placenta." I joked. They froze.
This actually happened my lovelys. You should have seen their faces when I had placenta in my water gun.Oh....Good times. Comment and Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!

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