Chapter 17

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I ran after him. "Look please." I begged. He was pretty pissed for sure. "Look at me. " I say. "I don't want to talk to you. You can go over there and talk to the damn tree plant!" He shouted and walked away from me. I rolled my eyes. "Get back here you ass! How dare you call me selfish!?" I shouted walking after him. "No its okay. You can take your rolls. And after that, take Jake everywhere you want." He snapped and continued to walk off. "Don't walk away from me!" I shouted. He continued. I sighed.

"Look you should've been nice about it. Why did you have to be like that?" Rydel asked me. "Delly.Your a mommy. How would you feel if someone just wanted to take your baby away?" I asked her. "You have all these line ups. And you never told him about any of them. This is about more than Jacob. Why can't you just allow it and let it be?" She asked me. "Its not about the stinking tour!" I snapped. I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair. "So your back to your selfishness?" Sje asked. I gasped. "Selfish!?" I asked. "Clearly. You just want a reason to peck at him." She said. "Its not that at all!" I defended. "Then what is it!?" Shouted. "For once, just once can he just stay home!? If he's not gonna be home with me then can he atleast least leave Jake for me!? Its not fair to have both people leave me!" I shouted. She looked at me stunned.

"Its like I never see him enough and him being able to take Jake too now is like he totally forgot I exist. And now that I'm pregnant, its gonna be hard to keep up with them and him to keep up with me." I said and looked down. She hugged me. "Awww. Your pregnant! I'll have another Raura baby walking around here! Yes!" She celebrated. I chuckled. "Just talk to him. Explain to him how you feel about it all. Don't pick at him." She said. I sighed. "I'm sorry for making this hard for everybody." I say. She chuckled. "Your apologising to the wrong person." She said. I nodded. "I know." I said. She hugged me. "Just relax and don't ignore it. Live it." She said. I sighed and picked up my phone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I took shower and laid down on the bed. It was still 4 in the afternoon. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. She won't talk to me like a normal person and I don't like that for nothing. I mean we always tell each other everything. I want her to tell me what it is that's wrong. Is that hard to do? We're suppose to tell each other everything. Isn't that part of the vows we made to each other the day we got married? Ugh....Its stressful just thinking about it. Eh... I slowly dozed off.

I woke up with a weight on me. What the? I opened my eyes slowly and met with her big brown eyes. I looked in them and she smiled at me. I looked at her confused. She chuckled as I slowly got up. She wrapped her arms around me and sat on my lap. "I'm sorry." She said pecking my cheek. "Sure you are." I say looking away from her. "No. I'm serious. Its just you have been just so busy that your barely home. Then I'm afraid that maybe one day, Jake would follow in your footsteps and totally forget about me....Like you did." She said softly. What the hell? "Your always either writing songs at the studio. You come home late. Your like totally oblivious that I'm still here. Yes you talk to me and still acknowlege me but not a lot of attention comes from it. If you get Jake, what about me?" She asked. I thought to it.

She was right. "Aww. Why didn't you just talk to me?" I asked. "Its kinda hard to do that. Don't you think?" She asked. I chuckled. "I'm sorry for calling you selfish. I just didn't think about how you were feeling." I frowned. She made me look at her. "Its not that I'm totally against you going on tour. Its your dream. You love what you do and I can't take that away from you. But then to take all parts of you on tour, I have nothing left". She said sadly. All parts of me? "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well...When I look at Jake, I see you. He smiles and brightens my day just like you. You guys light a room the moment you walk in.If one part of you is here, then I don't feel so alone. When you both were out those nights to write an ep for me, I felt as if I didn't exist." She said. I hugged her.

"I want him to see the world. Explore it like you did. And are. But once he gets caught in it all, what happens to me? He won't have time for me. And neither will you". She said. "Is that why you have all these roles stacked up? So you could occupy yourself while we're gone?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled. "I'm always here for you. Just know that." I say. She giggled. "It doesn't feel like it". She frowned. "Even when it doesn't feel like it. I'm always there." I told her and pointed to her heart. "Right here." I say. She smiled as I pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back wrapping her arms around my neck.I bit her bottom lip and laid her beside me slightly on top of her. "Mom! Dad!" Jacob ran in. We quickly pulled away and greeted him. "Hey. How was grandma?" She asked him."Fun. How was dad?" He asked.I glared at him. She looked confused. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Was he nice mommy?" He asked. I gritted my teeth.
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