Chapter 18

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I looked between the two. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Was he nice?" He repeated. I looked at his adorable face. "Now seriously." He said. I just smiled. "What?" He asked. "Oh nothing. Just looking at the thing I will miss most." I say. "Hey!" His father said. "And of course you too."I say giving him a side hug. He glared at me."I've been meaning to ask. Is Jake more adorable than I am?" He asked. I looked around. "I need to get him to bed." I say getting off and walking off with Jake.He laughed. "Just tell dad the truth mom." He said. I put my finger to my lip. He nodded as we walked into the room. He laughed. "I won't tell." He smiled. God that smile. "That's my boy." I laughed and kissed his cheek. He walked into the bathroom to get changed.

"You do know its just now 8 right?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. "So what?" I asked. "I'm hungry. Feed me." He said. I scrunched up my face. "Last time I checked, you had cooking skills. So get off your lazy a--" I stopped as I heard a small voice. "Mommy?" He said. I balled my fist as I saw Ross smirking at me. "See. And you tell me to be nice to mommy when mommy isn't as nice herself." He stuck his tongue out at me. "Well he started it." I pointed at him. Jake looked between us. "Nuh Uh!" He said. "Did too! He was gonna make me cook for him. Even though he knows how to cook."I defended. He looked at me weirdly. I looked at him as if saying 'what?' He looked at me confused. "What?" I asked. He took a deep breath.

"See. Mommy is crazy and mean." He said. I rolled my eyes. He scoffled. "Mommy is not crazy.She's the best mom ever." He defended me. I hugged him. "Thanks buddy." I say. He then looks at him. "Well...What are you still doing there dad?" He asked. "Looking at my beautiful family." He smiled. I smiled. "And where's my wing man!?" He asked. I chuckled as Jake pulled away and hugged him. I smiled and forced one. "Traitor." I say. "What was that Laura?" He smirked. I coughed. "Uh..Well...I said" I said closing my eyes then looking into his face.Totally saved that one! They laughed. "What?" I asked. Jake whispered something in his ear. He nodded and slowly put him down. Ughhh...I hate these moments. They started to circle me.

"Uh...What's going on?" I asked. They both narrowed their eyes as they approached me so I had no where to go. Just as I was about to take off, he grabbed me. I shrieked. "What are you doing?!" I asked. He threw me over his shoulder softly being careful. Jake just laughed. "No! No!" I shouted pounding on his back. "Stop it!" I say. "Its okay mommy. He promised to not hurt you. And if he does, he'll have to deal with me." He said. I chuckled as he turned back to look at him. "I thought you were on my side." He said. I chuckled. "I'm sure we're all on the same page here." He said back tracking. I noticed and so did he. He ran off. He chased after him with me on his back. "Careful!" I shouted as he grabbed a hold of him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I looked at the two people laughing in front of me. I chuckled as I let them breathe. "Mommy! Dad won't let me go!" He cried out. She laughed her head off as I tickled her. "Stop it! Stop it!! Hahaaha." She laughed. I then grabbed hold of him and picked him up. "Airplane!!" I shouted and we "flew" to his room. I then placed him on his bed softly. He chuckled. "What was that for?" He asked. "For being a flip flopper." I say. He tilted his head. "What's a flip flopper?" He asked. "Someone who changes sides left and right." I told him. He pouted. "Am not." He said.

I chuckled. "Are too." I say. "Am not!" He said again. "You are too!" I say. He laughed. "Okay maybe just alittle." He said making the measure with his fingers. I chuckled. "Hey dad?" He asked. I looked at him. "Uh huh." I say. "Why is mom always trying to avoid everything just to be with me?" He asked. I smiled. "Because she loves you." I say. "I know. But does she have to do that all the time? I want what she wants you to do." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "More of those letters came in today. She has 12 more. And yet she hasn't taken any of them. Mom is an actress. I want her to take atleast one of them for me." He said. I smiled at him. When did he become so wise? Oh who am I kidding? This kid is my kid. He's always gonna be the best at everything.

"I want her to live her life. Do you think I am the reason?" He asked. I cocked my head to the side. "I don't think so. Its because she loves you. And I love you. We'd do anything for you ." I say. "I know but I don't like the thought of you guys giving up what you love for me." He frowned. "Jake. What we love is our choice. What wanna do is our choice. But you came out of it all making what we supposedly 'love' a lot less important. You became what's important. Our dreams don't matter. You know why? Because they came true." I smiled. "Really?" He asked. I nodded. "I always dreamed of having my own family and you made that possible."I say poking his shoulder. He smiled. "You were a miracle." She said from behind us. I looked at her. She smiled and joined me beside his bed. "I am living my life. I am doing what I love to do and you know why? Because I know every second of the day that your by my side. Even without actually being there."She smiled and looked at me. I smiled back.
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