Chapter 29

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I shook him. "Wake up! Wake up!" I say shaking him as doctors and nurses all pulled me off. "No! Stop! I deserve to know!" I cried. "We are doing the best we can. Shaking him will not revive him. And it may make the situation even worse. So please. Calm down and we will get back to you." The nurse said to me. I should strangle her right about now. My face flushed as heat rose up to it. I balled up my fists. What did she just say to me? Did she tell me to calm down? Did she just tell me to....calm....down? "Laura. Laura. Calm. Calm. Its good for the baby." I heard Rydel bring me back.

"Delly its not fair! Its not fair!" I shouted. She nodded. "I know! Its okay. Relax. Relax. He's gonna be okay. I know he's okay." She smiled wrly. She wasn't sure. I nodded. Ross is okay. Nothing happened to him. He's fine. He's fine. But this wasn't effecting me at all. I couldn't believe the words I wanted to come out of my mouth to break the news to our god given blessed child.He was looking at me worried. I was trying so hard not to burst into tears. But those eyes. Instead of comforting him, he was comforting me. I cracked as he hugged me.

"No mommy. No." He said. "Jake. I'm sorry." I cried. "No. Dad is fine. He's fine. Look for the bright side. Don't think of the dark side. You taught me that. Never lose hope. Because some way and some how, you'll get what have hoped for. Dad taught me that." He said. Wow. I never realized just how good of parents we were. But now I might lose my other half. He rubbed my shoulders. "Thanks sweetie. You don't always have to be strong." I say looking at him. "But for the sake of mommy, I do." He said. "Thanks baby." I kissed his cheek. Now I felt better. "Lynch!" A doctor called. Well...Almost.

"Is he okay!? Is he awake!? Is he fine!? What was wrong with him!? Can you tell me if he has improved from a few hours ago?" I bombarded her with questions. She pulled out a bag. It had a tiny chip on. We looked at her comfused. "What is that?" We asked. "It seems as if someone chipped Mr.Lynch. Why? We don't know. This chip sent receptors to his brain that caused his heart to stop for a moment. And if the heart stopped and started to beat again, the receptors were sent again. I believe that this chip was placed to kill him right on the spot.It would kept doing the same thing until the heart failed completely and he died. And his color faded due to lack of oxygen being given to his brain and internal organs. If you hadn't brought him, he would've been gone. He has a precise 30 more minutes to live." She said filling us in. My heart stopped.

What? He would've died? Because of me? Who did this to him? Who did this to us? "Where's my baby!?" I heard Stormie yell as soon as she appeared into the hall. "He's in there but doctor said that he is under immediate care at the moment. Something about heart failure."Rydel told her. Her face horrified. "What?" She asked. "Don't listen to her Nana. He's fine. He's fine." He comforted his grandma. She smiled rubbing the tears off her face and hugging him. "Auntie!" He glared at her. She rolled her eyes. "Meow!" She said. He rolled his eyes and hugged Stormie. She whispered something to him and he nodded holding out his pinky. She did the same as they promised each other. He can be one of those people who comfort people when their loved ones are in surgery. I smiled lightly.

I stared at the pale face and blue lips. "He'll be okay right?" I croaked. "We're not sure." The doctor looked down sadly. "Can't you give him something!?" I asked. "Mrs.Lynch...we have never dealt with a case like this. Even if we did, I'm sure we'd worsen his state. And for that, I believe I can't allow that to happen." He said. I balled my fist. "Then do something!" I shouted. "We did the best that we can. We can not mix experiments together that may possibly kill him." He said. "Your best isn't good enough! This man is my life! So if you lose him, you mind as well kill me too!" I say. The nurses held my arms as I noticed I was right in front of the doctor. I wanted to slap him across his face.

"Let go of me!" I shouted. They all evacuated the room. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. I wiped off my cheeks as I picked up his hand. Still as cold as when I brought him here. I rubbed it with mine to bring heat to it. I shuddered placing it on my face."Ross...."I called him.I cupped his face and rubbing his cheeks. "Please wake up." I said softly. "Please..." I said. I applied as much body heat I could to him and nothing seemed to be working. "PLEASE!" I shook him. 'Don't do that!' My mind screamed. "I know your okay. Just give me a sign! Give me something! Please!" I begged. I buried my head.

I'm sorry. I'll do anything to have you look at me, talk to me, care for me. Please. "I love you." I cried into his hand. I lifted my head and seen him at the door. "Is he okay?" He asked. I wiped my face quickly. He shook his head. "Don't lie." He said and walked back out. "Jake." I say. I rubbed my eyes and held his hand once again. "I love you. Please.." I say. "Please....Just don't be mad at me anymore." I whipped my head up.
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