Chapter 20

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked around the entire house making sure nothing was there. There nothing and I called out to Laura. "Laura!!!" I called. There was no reply. I then heard a rustle. I looked and there was a shadow in the dark. I walked over and pulled on something heavy. It was person. "What are you doing here!?" I asked pulling off the mask on the person. It was a girl. She smiled like she didn't do anything wrong. "Hi." She smiled. "What are you doing here at 11 at night?" I asked. "Nothing. Well it was nice to meet you." She smiled. I pulled her back as she tried to walk away. "What are you doing here before I call the cops and report you for trespassing." I say through my gritted teeth. "Woah. Stop. Cool it." She said pushing me off. Well tried to.

"How old are you?" I asked her. "I'm 17." She said. "What's your name?" I asked. She shook her jead. "I don't know." She said. What the? How do you not know your own name? "What's your name?" I asked again. "Clarisse." She answered. "Well Clarisse...Why are you around my house?" I asked her. "I..Well...I was put here. I couldn't leave and needed somewhere to hide." She said. "Who are you hiding from?" I asked her. "This one guy. I seen your little boy in his room and he seemed sad. I was gonna knock but then the guy came back. He really wanted to get in your house.I fought him off. When I did, I heard a laughter. That laughter came from 3 more." She explained. I listened and and stared at her.

"Your son is in danger." She said suddenly grabbing a hold of me. "What are you doing?" I asked as I took her hands off of me. "Jacob. His name is Jacob. He's an amazing student. He's in danger." She repeated. "Why is he in danger? What is wrong?" I asked. "Listen to me. There's this guy, he's after him. I seen him around in school. He's gotton a job as a teacher aid. He works in his class. He's after him." She closing in on my face I looked in her eyes. She was telling the truth. He really must be in danger. "How do you know this?" I asked. "I'm psychic. I ended up here because he dropped me off here. Please. Save him." She said. And just as I was about to reply, she yelled. "Duck!" She said. I did and I felt a presence behind me. She got hit in the face and fell back. I caught her. "No! Save your son." She said. I put her down slowly. I then came face to face with the guy.

"Jacob needs discipline. Give me the girl." He said. "Over my dead body." I say. He held his arm. "You asked for it."He said then swung at me. I quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it. He then kicked me. I quickly recovered and punched him dead in his face. He reacted rather quicker than I thought. He ran towards me. I ducked under his swinging arm and quickly dropping him flat on his face. I then twisted his arm and locked it between his spinal cord and wrist. "What are you doing late night trying to find a 17-year old girl!?" I asked. "None of your business." He said still struggling to get out of my grip. "What do you have to do with my son!?" I shouted. "Easy. Yourson needs to get his act together. You might think he's an angel because he's your son but that kid isn't a saint." He said. I pulled out my phone calling the cops.

"My son is the best kid around. You must have him mistaken for someone else." I say. "Sure he is. Isn't every child the best in every parents eyes?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Unless you have something to back it up, you will not be on my property bad mouthing my child. If anything, your nothing but a petifile who is after a young girl. What do you need from her anyway? And why are you on my property out of all places you could've been?" I asked. "We'd like to know that also Smith." An officer spoke. He then took him off my hands. Another officer walked over to the girl but she was long gone. "ROSS! ROSS!" I suddenly hear Laura's voice. "I'm here. I'm here." I called out to her. She emerged from the house and hugged me instantly. I chuckle. "You okay? Are you safe?" She asked. I nodded as she started to check all over my face and body. "I'm fine." I say.

I hugged and kissed her head as the cops all started on their departure. I then noticed Clarisse in the distance. She smiled and nodded at me. I did the same. She felt it and looked up. "Are sure your fine?" She asked. "Maybe. Lets go inside. I don't want you getting sick." I say to her. "Then tell me what all of this is about?" She asked as she held up my bloody fist. I smiled wrly. "I will as soon as I make it out alive."I chuckle. She gives me a look. "I'm sorry." I say. She smiles and we walk back in side the house. I clean my hands and wrap my fist. She kissed it lightly as she finished wrapping it for me. "Jake was worried about you." She said. "Is he asleep?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm worried about him too. Laura. Please be honest with me when I say this." I say. She looked at me as she stood between the counter and me. "What is it?" She asked. "I met a girl tonight." I start out. She immediately starts to stiffen up. "Do I need to cut her?" She asked. What? "No! No!" I immediately say. She didn't look content. Maybe I should tell her our age differences before she gets all worked up. But this could be fun. I smirked.
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