Chapter 28

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~
I tried to distract myself from the fact that my head hurt like hell and it was 4 in the afternoon and Laura still hasn't returned. Maybe she wanted to cool off or maybe she lost track of time. I wanna believe them but I know the real reason. She was avoiding me. I went shopping and got presents and it only took me like 2 hours. I just need her present. It should be easier every year but it only gets harder and harder to tell what she wants. So I decided to hold off on her present.

I groaned and rolled over. It was getting really hard to see and I could barely move. Not the best to be alone at times like this. My head started to pound like crazy.Like my brain was beating against my skull trying to bust out. Sound bizzare I know. But are you gonna do? I tried to get as comfortable as possible but no blood was circulating to my head. I was losing oxygen and my lungs started to collapse. Oh my god. I may be having a heart attack! I sucked in as much oxygen as I could. I then was greeted with a world of darkness.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~
I laughed. "I mean its true. If you already have control, you should always trust it. I know there are no trust between you guys but, you never know." She said. "Delly. That's kinda sterotypical don't you think?" I asked. "Why is that?" She asked. "Because not all relationships have trust issues. And certainly there is none forming between Ross and I. I love him and I trust hime all the way. I have given him everything and he has done the same for me and I couldn't be any happier." I smiled. She eyed me.

"Does this by any chance have to do with that article released in Time Magazine?" She suddenly asked. "What? No." I say. She nodded her head amd gave me a look. "Yup. What did you say to him and how did he respond?" She asked. "I just asked for the truth. I didn't believe a word the magazine said and when the story came out bit by bit, I rather believed the magazine than my own husband." I frowned. "Laurie. That magazine does nothing but screws up relationships. And considering your up in line, they'll do anything to get a good story off of you. That's more copies selling and more stacks of cash rolling in. So think of it this way, no amount of truths that lie within those articles, can ever compare to the actual truth behind it all." She said. Always so wise.

"Ross could be dying right about now and your here stressing over something like that. And no you can't stay at my house.Or a hotel. I'll kill you myself." She threatened. I chuckled. "No worries. Relax.Stress can hurt babies." She said. I smiled. "Thanks Delly." I say. She smiled. "Anytime. and if you ever put me in these kinda positions ever again, I will cut--" I glared at her. The children looked at her. "I mean. I will break the coconut." She said. They looked at her confused as my face faded a rose red. She pointed at me. I awkwardly chuckled. "Mommy? What does that mean?" He asked me. "Eat your food." I pointed to the kids meal in front of him. He nodded and did so. I looked at Rydel and she winked.

I wrapped the final presents and put them in the bags. I then loaded them into the car. "Mom you need help?" He asked. I shook my head. "No but thanks baby. You get in the car and make sure you put on your selt belt." I said. He nodded. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay mommy. Just ask for it when you do." He said. I smiled. He then got in car. I finished loading the car and looked at him. He was focused in putting the seatbelt on. I smiled and clipped on for him. "Thanks mommy." He smiled. I nodded then closed the door. I then got into the driver's seat. "Is everyone buckled and ready?" I tease. "Yes sir!" He said. I chuckled. "And you mommy?" He asked. I clipped it on. "Seatbelts! So we can be safe." We say together. We laughed as I drove off.

"I'll head in a few. I just have to unpack. You stand by the door so it can scan your face to let you in."I say. "But isn't dad home?" He asked. I looked for his cars. They were all there. "Yeah. Then ring the bell." I say. He nodded and looked aroumd for a moment. He then knocked on the door. I focused my attention on unloading the car. I looked at it. This is gonna take more than one trip.I picked up as much as I could. I looked up and seen he had a worried expression. "Your still not inside?" I asked him. "No. Dad isn't answering." He said. I nodded. "I'll let us in. Come." I say moving him away from the door so I could unlock it. I then walked in and something felt so wrong. "I'm gonna go find dad!" He ran off. I chuckled and went back to the car.

I grabbed the remaining of everything. I have to hide these. I picked it up and across the street a woman was standing there staring at me. As if studying me or something. I looked at her also but she looked away and started to walk away. Huh. Weird. I walked in the house and placed everything down. I then made sure to lock the doors. I felt a presence behind me. I looked to see Jake with a worried expression. "Whats wrong?" I asked as I approached him. "Its dad. He's not responding to me." He said. What? "What do you mean?" I asked him. He took my hand where he brought me over to his father. "Ross...." I called softly. I felt his head. He was about as cold as the winter weather, aching to give frostbytes. "Ross! Ross! Wake up!" I cried out realizing something.
Wish me luck on my global studies/history regents today!I know I'll bomb it. Comment and Vote!!!!!!!

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