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After we are both throughly satisfied, I grab for my phone and glance at the time. Nearly four. "Come on love, we need to get dressed and get the door open again before Elsa wakes up" I murmur to Izzie, who is already starting to nod off.

I hear Izzie sigh as she slides off of me, and we both find our shirts and underwear in the pile of clothes thrown on the floor.

After we are both dressed, Izzie slides back into bed. I creep quietly forward and open the door as quietly as I can.

I walk quietly back to bed and pull Izzie towards me so she is resting her head on my chest, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her forehead.

"I wanted you so bad" I whisper into her ear. She blushes lightly, but whispers softly "Me too"

I tilt her face up and she looks at me with half closed eyes from tiredness. "I love you so much Izzie" I whisper to her as I kiss the tip of her nose. Izzie sleepy slides one hand up to the nape of my neck and plays with the short hairs there. "I love you too Casey" she whispers back as she goes to nuzzle her face into my neck.

I trail one hand down her back, gently rubbing. I know if I keep doing this, Izzie will be out in a matter of seconds. I listen carefully to make sure I don't hear any noises coming from downstairs and slide my hands down and squeeze her ass possessively. I hear her giggle against my neck. I really love her ass. I slide my hands back up to settle at her waist, and we both drift off to sleep.
I wake with sudden realization that Izzie isn't in my arms. I look around for her, still half asleep and confused.

I realize I hear her voice coming from downstairs, along with my mom's voice. They are laughing about something.

I stand up and find a pair of basketball shorts to pull on over my boxers. As I walk towards my door, I smell something delightful wafting up from the kitchen.

As I walk into the kitchen, I see Izzie standing at the stove in the same shirt from last night, but she is also wearing a pair of sweatpants that look suspiciously like mine. She is making French toast and bacon. My stomach grumbles.

"Hey Case" My mom says from over by the coffee pot where she is brewing a fresh pot of coffee.

"Good morning you two" I say greeting them both.

"I woke up and Izzie was already making breakfast, such a sweet girl" My mom tells me, while beaming at Izzie.

She sure is I think to myself, a bit possessively.

Izzie turns and beams at me, and I feel my heart flutter. I'm head over heels stupid in love with this girl. She hands a plate to me and my mom, and I beam back at her.

"You know, I think you steal my clothes more than you wear your own" I say teasingly, and Izzie turns to stick her tongue out at me. I laugh as my mom shakes her head at us, but she is clearly amused. The honest truth is that I love seeing Izzie wearing my clothes, it feels so intimate and loving.

"Do you think Doug will want some?" Izzie asks my mom. My mom shakes her head no and says "No, he probably won't be up for several more hours"

Izzie nods and makes herself a plate, before sliding into the stool next to me.

The coffee pot beeps behind us, and Elsa turns and pours three mugs of coffee. She slides two over to us, and keeps one for herself.

We eat in relative silence, other than my occasional appreciative mmmm as I eat my breakfast.

My mom finishes her breakfast and starts on the dishes. Izzie gets up to help her, but my mom waves her away. She insists that Izzie making breakfast was more than enough.

I grab Izzie's hand and pull her back upstairs to my bedroom. I kiss her lightly on the lips, before leaning forward to nuzzle my nose against hers.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask her as I lean my forehead against hers. She grins at me and says "You".

I laugh a little bit too loudly and stare at her. She smirks and says "Want to go for a drive?"

I nod at her. This should be a very interesting day.

Just be thereHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin