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By luck my parents have to go out of town for three days on a three day weekend, leaving Izzie and I alone in the house from Friday until Sunday. It's only Thursday today, but I'm literally counting down the minutes until they leave. Three uninterrupted AND unsupervised days with Izzie? Sign me up.

Especially as final exams are about to start, than there will be graduation. Izzie's eighteenth birthday is right before graduation, so it's going to be a busy couple of weeks.

I convince Izzie to go to bed early Thursday night, because the sooner we go to sleep, the sooner it will be Friday morning. Izzie laughs at me. "You're like a kid on Christmas Eve." She says teasingly. "Look if Santa had ever brought me sex with you as a gift, I would have been on the nice list every year." I say wiggling my eyebrows. Izzie rolls her eyes at me. "You're so weird Newton." She says, but I can see the affection in her eyes.

We curl up to go to sleep, unsurprisingly,Izzie is out within seconds once I start rubbing her back. I hope our future kids are this easy to get to sleep. I think fondly to myself before I drift off to the sound of her breathing.

I wake up at three in the morning to the sound of my dad cursing as he drops a bag on his foot trying to haul it down the stairs. I get out of bed, quietly shutting the door behind me. "Need some help?" I offer, seeing my dad holding his foot and glaring at the bag.

"Yeah thanks" My dad says and I go and help him carry the incredibly heavy bag downstairs. "What the heck is in here?" I gasp as we reach the landing downstairs. "It's all your mom's stuff." My dad says shrugging. "You're only going for three days, what did she pack, bricks?" I say incredulously.

My mom appears at the top of the stairs carrying my dad's much smaller, presumably lighter, duffel bag on her arm. "Just wait until you and Izzie go away together Case, I'm sure she will pack more stuff than you too. When you don't live in sweatpants and sweatshirts your luggage tends to weigh more." Elsa says as she comes down the stairs. I roll my eyes at her. "Whatever Elsa" I say with a touch of sarcasm, but no real venom in my voice.

"All righty, we need to head to the airport now sweetie. Izzie is still asleep?" My moms says when she gets to us. "Yeah, I didn't want to wake her, and luckily she's a heavy sleeper so she didn't wake up when I did" I say with a light smile. "Alright, well give her our love, there is some money on the counter for both of you in case you need something." My mom wraps her arms around me and gives me a tight squeeze, which I return. I give my dad a quick hug, before heading back upstairs to go back to bed.

Once I get upstairs I peak out the window to watch their car pull away, and watch as their taillights disappear at the end of the street.

I look down at the beautiful sleeping goddess that is my girlfriend. I should probably let her sleep. But....she was the one calling me a kid on Christmas. I bounce onto the bed next to her. "Wake up! Wake up! I wanna open my present." I say smugly, continuing to bounce.

Izzie opens her eyes and glares at me. "What time is it?" She says, putting her hands on her face. "Like three twenty." I say back. "In the morning? Are you fucking kidding me?" She says sternly, removing her hands to glare at me again. This might have been a bad idea. I gulp. "I wanted to open my present" I say again, attempting to look as adorable as possible to cool the anger I see in her eyes. "We have three days Casey. It's not even four AM yet. I want to sleep" she says as she grabs my pillow to put over her face. "It's been like three weeks though, I miss you" I say quietly.

Izzie groans at me. "Wake me up when it's actually morning. Until than let me sleep." Izzie grumbles. "Okay, I'm sorry." I say softly as I move to lay down beside her to snuggle. I wrap my arms around her and she rolls into me, I rub her back and she's asleep in barely a second. I lay and stare at the ceiling until morning.

Just be thereOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz