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"Izzie, you're fine. Your siblings don't care that much what you look like." I say as I pull my dad's truck out of the driveway.

Izzie glares at me darkly. To be fair it has been a very long day. Our flight was supposed to leave at six am. It wound up being delayed at the last minute and we didn't leave until two pm. As a result Izzie barely had time to even change and freshen up at my parents house before we headed out to her grandmother's apartment.

I know she had been planning on taking a nap when before we went to see them, but we can't delay leaving too much because it's already after 7pm and Charlie will be going to sleep soon. I know Izzie has missed Charlie, Luca, and Gabi deeply. She would be so sad if we missed any time with Charlie Bug.

Izzie taps her foot anxiously as I drive. I can tell she's anxious.

I gently put my hand over hers and squeeze, comforting her as I drive.

"I can't believe it's already been three months." She says softly as I pull up to a red light.

"I know, but we are here now. They will be so excited to see you, you know that Iz." I say with my best attempt at a reassuring smile.

Izzie had make sure to FaceTime her siblings at least 2-3 times a week since we left, so I'm sure it will be like she never left, but I can tell she is worried something will have changed.

We finish the rest of the drive in relative silence, sometimes it's better to let her think quietly.

I pull into an empty spot in front of her grandmother's apartment building and turn off the engine before flashing her a small smile to reassure her. She gives me a small smile in return.

No sooner have we stepped on the sidewalk then I hear sneakers running down the stairs rapidly approaching us.

Luca. He has grown. He is taller than his older sister now. He smiles at me but makes a beeline for Izzie.

Izzie and Luca throw their arms around each other. "I missed you." I hear Izzie say into her brother's shoulder. "I missed you too Iz Iz." Luca says pulling back and grinning at her.

He then turns to me and gives me a quick one armed hug slapping my back.

"Come on, Charlie is dying to see you two." He says as he turns to lead us upstairs to the apartment.

I see Izzie's relief flash across her face at those words, then we go to follow Luca.

Luca opens the door right before we get to it.

"CASEY!" I hear a small voice screech excitedly as I step into view of the open door.

In a flurry of pink sneakers and a purple sweater I feel Charlie's arms wrap around my knees as she all but tackles me with her hug.

Then Charlie sees Izzie behind me, and I might as well be chopped liver.

She runs to her sister, a delighted laugh leaving her mouth as she lifts her arms to Izzie.

Izzie grabs her and lifts her into her arms, kissing the side of Charlie's head and holding her close.

Gabi walks out of the apartment and walks to Izzie as well. Izzie uses one arm to pull Gabi in for a hug, still holding Charlie with the other.

The joy on Izzie's face makes every second of this long, tiring day worth it.

I would do anything to see that joy.

A/N:To be continued. I wanted to release what I have rather than making you guys wait until I have time to finish this chapter. Between my personal life, classes, and work I haven't been able to write as often as I would like to. Hope this holds you guys over.

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