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I feel the warmth of Charlie's little body in my arms, the weight of her little arms thrown around my neck. I can smell the light scent of baby shampoo from her bath on her dark blonde hair.

This is real. I am here with my siblings, with Casey. All four of the people I love most are within arm's reach.

For the first time in months, I let out a long breathe and relax. I'm home.

Don't get me wrong, I love UCLA, and I know my siblings are well cared for by my grandma, but I still feel like I left half of my heart here with them when I left in August. Three months was too long. Luca is taller than me now, Charlie can say all her sounds now, Gabi's feet look like they've grown 4 sizes. They were growing up, and I haven't been here to watch it. I've missed them so much.

I hear my grandma making her way out, before she pulls me into a hug. Her hug feels warm and safe, and she smells lightly of cinnamon and vanilla, just like I remember.

I open my eyes and see Casey staring at us, beaming.

I continue holding Charlie but Gabi and my grandma move to hug Casey. Charlie babbles excitedly about cookies.

"She wanted to make you guys cookies." Gabi said with a grin, and I followed her into the apartment to see the ugliest sugar cookies I've ever seen proudly presented on a plate.

"Did you make these for us?" I coo to Charlie who beams with pride back at me. "Uh huh. You and Casey. I made them all by myself, except the oven. Grammy said I can't touch the oven." She says super fast in her excitement.

"Well the oven can be dangerous, so let's listen to Grammy about that one. But these are so beautiful Charlie bug! You did an amazing job." I said with a grin.

Charlie wiggles out of my arms and practically shoves a cookie each into my hand and Casey's. "Try them!" She says excitedly as she bounces. I take a cautious bite, and although they are incredibly ugly, they actually taste quite nice. "Yummy!" Casey says as she rubs her tummy, before doing her best impression of Cookie Monster gobbling up the cookie. This impression makes Charlie and Gabi both laugh.

Luca rolls his eyes, but I see the twinkle in his eyes and the small grin he is trying to hide. Okay, Mr. Cool Guy.

"Soooo good Charlie! You should be a baker when you grow up." I say with a warm grin once the laughter dies down from Casey's antics.

We settle down to sit on the couch and talk, catching up and soaking in the moment.

I couldn't be happier.

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