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It's the last day of summer before school starts. It will be the first year since Izzie and I met that we will spend the entire year school year at separate schools. Of course we will be fine, we will still be living together. I was still going to miss seeing her beautiful face during the day though.

I have planned a beach trip for just Izzie and I. As much as I love hanging out with all our friends and family, I wanted some time for just the two of us away from the house.

Izzie is taking a long time in the shower, and I want to leave soon. So, I walk into the bathroom and sigh dramatically. "What do you want Newton?" I hear her say from the other side of the curtain.

"Izzzzzzieeeeee, it's taking so long" I whine. "I wanna go" I add. I hear Izzie laughing in the shower. "You literally sound like a toddler" I hear her say. Not nice. I open the curtain to glare at her, but quickly get distracted from my mission by her very wet naked body. Izzie looks amused at my obvious distraction. "See something you like?" She says before biting her lip. "Yeah, only everything." I say back, not bothering to hide the fact that I'm looking up and down her body.

We finally get to the car almost forty minutes later. That damn lip bite gets me every time.
There is something about the scent of the salt in the air as we walk from our car to the beach. It's soothing.

I carry our cooler, and Izzie is carrying our towels. We find a nice, relatively secluded section of beach with only a few other people around. I set down our cooler, and Izzie starts spreading out our towels. She looks adorable in her white cover up, which rides up to reveal the curve of her ass as she bends over to smooth the towels. I admire the view for a second, than take off the backpack I'm wearing to get out our sunscreen.

I watch as Izzie slowly pulls off her cover up, leaving her in just a yellow bikini. I whistle at her and she giggles. I happily volunteer as tribute to rub sunscreen all over Izzie. Who knew putting on sunscreen could be so hot?

After I am done making sure Izzie's lovely skin is protected from the sun, I take off my t-shirt so she can help me rub in my sunscreen.

Izzie seems to be taking extra care rubbing sunscreen into my back. "Are you trying to paint me with the stuff?" I say with a laugh, as I feel her adding another layer. "You're just so pale, I don't want you to burn" Izzie says in an adorably concerned voice. I find her concern for me touching honestly.

After I convince Izzie that she has put more than enough sunscreen on me, we lay down and enjoy the sun for a bit. It's nice just laying next to Izzie, feeling the warmth from the sun, and listening to the gentle rhythm of the ocean waves.

After awhile, Izzie decides she wants to go swimming and drags me into the ocean with her. I'm a good swimmer, but she seems intent on dragging us pretty far out from the beach. "Why are we going this far out?" I ask curiously.

Izzie pulls us out a bit further than turns to me and grins. She pulls me close to her and wraps her arms around my neck. "Privacy." She says back with a grin. "Oh okay" I say back, probably sounding a bit dumb.

Izzie laughs and leans in to kiss me. She slowly wraps her legs around my waist, making it a little harder to tread water, but not impossible. It's feel intimate and sexy, so I certainly won't be complaining. We kiss, our tongues fighting for dominance.

As I pull back slightly in order to breathe, I laugh. "Making out with you in the ocean is my new favorite pastime" I say admiring how beautiful the freckles on Izzie's face look in this light. Izzie giggles and nods in agreement

I lean in to kiss her again, enjoying the sensation as she runs one of her hands through my hair. She tugs lightly and I moan into her mouth.

Before I dated Izzie, I never would have thought I would like having my hair pulled. Evan never even tried it, and I'm not sure I would have liked it even if he had. With Izzie though, there is something incredibly arousing about the sensation of her pulling lightly at my hair. It makes me want to do things to her that would be highly inappropriate on a public beach, much to my disappointment.

I lightly nip at her bottom lip, and she sighs. I pull back enough so she can rest her forehead on mine. "I think we need to cool it a little bit Iz, so we don't get arrested for me trying to fuck you in public"

Izzie giggles, but stops pulling my hair. We swim around for a bit, before Izzie suddenly announces she wants to race with a sudden "On your mark get go" before swimming away from me rapidly.

I laugh, before swimming as fast as I can to try to catch up. I hate losing, and she will gloat all day if she beats me. I have almost caught up to her, when to my surprise she speeds up. What is this girl? A damn mermaid?! I think to myself as I struggle to match Izzie's pace. Izzie swims back to the beach, beating me there by several yards. I may be faster on land, but clearly she is faster in water.

I pant as I get out of the water, and Izzie just grins at me, clearly proud of herself.

I stand for a second catching my breathe, while Izzie seems to be struggling not to laugh at me.

I head back to our towels, and pout a little when Izzie joins me with a gleeful facial expression.

"Oh don't pout" she says teasingly, leaning forward to peck my lips. I can't help but grin at her. "I can still outrun you" I say sticking my tongue out at her. "And I can outswim you" Izzie said before she stuck her tongue out at me as well. We both start laughing at how ridiculous we are being.
On the drive back Izzie falls asleep. As I glance over at her, I wonder how I got so lucky. It was a great last day of summer.

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