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Another few weeks had passed since the Emma incident, and I realize both my eighteenth birthday and my one year anniversary with Izzie were coming up in the next couple of weeks.

I sigh as I scroll through Amazon on my phone, none of the gifts I can afford seem good enough to express my love for Izzie.

A message from Izzie pops up across the top of my screen. I click to open the message thread with her.
🌈My Love: Heyyy, gonna be home late
Me: Okay. What's up?
🌈My Love: Quinn dragged me back to her place after practice, Penelope and some other people are here. We are just drinking some Vodka and chatting.
Me: Okay. Let me know if you need me to come pick you up. Love you.
🌈My Love: ilysm

With that I put down my phone and sighed. If I was still going to Clayton, I would have been invited. It's fine though. No reason to overthink it.

I hear my phone ding again. I pick it up and read the message.

Emma: I'm bored 😐
Me: LOL what am i supposed to do about that?
Emma: You could come hang out, you can even bring your gf if you want.
Me: she's busy. But yeah I guess. I'll be there in like 15 mins.

I don't bother getting the car as Emma only lives two streets over. I walk to her house, trying to ignore the slight feeling of guilt in my stomach. Emma is just a friend, there is no reason I should feel guilty. However, I know that Izzie would be upset if she knew about it.

I shrug off the thought, she's out drinking with friends. I can hang out with a friend too.

I knock on Emma's door, and she answers it quickly. Emma is a medium height girl with a slim frame, brown eyes, long brown hair, and a nicely symmetrical face. She actually looks kind of similar to the girl who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.

Emma smiles at me brightly, letting me inside the house. She asks if I want to watch a movie, and I nod. She goes to make some popcorn and I sit on the leather loveseat in her living room.

She comes and sits next to me, and places the bowl in my lap. She starts the movie, some comedy with Melissa McCarthy. Throughout the movie I notice that she seems to be slowly moving closer to me, but shrug it off. It's a small loveseat, she's just getting comfortable.

I also notice her hands keep brushing mine as she reaches for popcorn, but maybe she is just paying attention to the movie.

All my internal justifications screech to a halt when as the movie ends, as Emma leans over and presses her lips against mine. I freeze for half a second. Than I push her away and stand up quickly, sending the popcorn bowl flying and making a mess. "What the fuck?" I say angrily.

"You seemed depressed about Izzie, I was just trying to make you feel better" Emma says like I'm being unreasonable.

"By trying to ruin my relationship with her?" I say, all but yelling now. "I love Izzie, no I cannot and will not do anything with you. Stay away from me"

I turn to leave, feeling sick to my stomach. I now if I tell Izzie she will lose her shit, and be super upset with me. Part of me is tempted not to tell her, but that thought makes me feel like scum. Fuck I'm so stupid.

I am almost back to my house when my cellphone starts to ring. Why the fuck is Nate calling me?

I answer the phone, ready to fight with someone else.
"Casey, I know we don't like each other but I just got to Quinn's house with some of the other lacrosse players. You need to come get Izzie. Now." Nate says in a strange voice.

"What the fuck is going on?" I say, my heart all but stopping in my chest at his tone of voice.
I hear Nate sigh before he answers me "She's really drunk. Like barely conscious drunk. Some guy was trying to pull her upstairs when I got here, I stopped him, but she needs to go home"
I feel like I might puke. "Stay with her until I get there" I say before hanging up.

I run to the car, and break several speed limits as I drive to Quinn's house.

I see Nate standing in the driveway as I pull up, Izzie is leaning against him heavily.

I hop out of the car without bothering to shut it off, and go to them.

"Izzie?" I say. Izzie slurs something in reply, but I can barely understand it.

I grab Izzie from Nate and lift her into my arms. She feels like dead weight.

"What the fuck?" I say, primarily directed at Nate.
"Look, I just got here. I know you don't like me, and frankly the feeling is mutual. I'm not just going to stand by while somebody takes advantage of her though. So I called you" Nate says.
I pause, before saying a simple "Thanks." Nate nods and walks back inside.

I carry Izzie to the car and place her in her seat, buckling her in.

I get in the car and pull away. What the fuck is with tonight?

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