Chapter 2: Drought

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Its been days since the shadows kidnapped my innocence.

I skimmed the widened walls beneath the pillow case that was smothering my breath and caressing my hair.
The echos still mounted among the currents, escaping through my brains inner walls, and pronouncing its flag of valor in the solace of my thoughts.

I had once pondered, what the outside world would look like fully engulfed in darkness.
A world full inept of light.
A universe lacking its freedom of foresight into and long forgotten happiness, forever stolen and swollen in a everlasting dwelling ocean of fears.

This morning, the rain had the rain had settled and the storm had waved its biggest goodbye in a long awaited rush into hiatus.

Beneath my face covering I smirked. In knowing that, must I parish in this forsaken place, I would become one with the house.

Floating around, amongst the rotting underlings that relished the succulent growth of mold and rust amongst the pipes and old wood plastered floor boards.

They had spoken truth to me..once.
The shadows I mean..
Of a work begotten, a universe free of callus and spite.
One where the light did flow.
Flow like rain in a time such as this.
Where happiness flooded the streets.
And laughter and grim realities never had escaped.

But of course, this place...this eden..this forbidden utopia couldn't exist?...

Could it?

Bobbing away amongst the once promising newly established rocking chair, had laid my grandmother, who had once said to me that "darkness is but a fleeting dream, one in whilst you are sleeping, you must find the strength to awake"...

I remember asking her what that meant as the sunset reimbursed the skyline and my brothers fought in the yard over a game of football they never had.

For these memories..this reality of remembrance only is sustainable through that higher level...that light.

The people once craved to see In this cold disillusioned place of darkness, managed to once grind out this gears of the elders and young ones, sheltering them in a temporary blanket of hope.

A hope that wasn't a true beacon. For those who dwelled in the realm of this forsaken darkness, traversed into the darkness..until I was the last one...the last hope child to survive..

I MUST get out...not just for me...but for everyone living in the midst of the never ending drought.

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