Chapter 33 : Broken Roses

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James had a weak spot...

The roses and tulips that enveloped his small school enchanted greenhouse brought him happiness. He walked the isles of the pots and seeded younglings that still were in need of growth.

He watched her as her mouth shimmied along to the singular beat that was the principles words. Her fathers words. They seemed important and dependable. He walked Surveyed her aura. Her black and pink dyed hair, the large steel toed boots grazed the patches of grass that surrounded the stone base of the gravel and concrete path that led to the baseline of the greenhouse door. Her black and white frill like skirt pounced up and down and she jumped with excited gesturers as her beloved dad spoke before enter back into the school leaving her outside to guide her to own disasters. The skull on her v neck shirt flexed the tattoo of the music note on her neck.

She looked back and forth before gasping the heated and fogged greenish blue glass doors that lead to his cherished plants. She took out her phone from beneath her bra strap, the following snap lead her to looking around the surrounding area. Her sight loitered in one area. Briskly revealing his locations. She started screaming at James. James shot up straighter than a beanstalk. Although he did not move. He was delighted to know she noticed him as wrong and off-putting her screams and shouts were he did not take a step. He was far too mesmerized by the fashion style she decided to shove down everyone's throat and by the time his mind had come back around to consciousness she had grabbed onto his hand and was leading him inside the school.

He couldn't believe what was happening. He watched her moves. Her smile as the other students looked with surprised eyes as they stormed the halls.

Then he appeared. The same jock and apparently cheater who bullied him at times when he felt at his weakest, his lips touched hers, she let go of his hands, tears once again flushed over his cheeks. Angry and betrayed not only by her but also by his feelings, she knew he was tearing up as he ran away she didn't even look back or bother to care. He ran back to the comfort of his plants. The one thing that he knew appreciated his love and care.

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