Chapter 30: The Saddest Waltz

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She only did this to spite him...

And honestly he enjoyed it. He loved the rush he felt watching her dance. He savored the moments of agony that she brought. But he hated him. His replacement, and the feeling of ever longing dread that compelled his inner desires.

He wanted them to split eventually. He wished that she asked him to dance. But here James was, his suit jacket swaying as he danced alone among the others of flawless couples, no friends, no partner, just him and his thoughts.

James was an amazing dancer, it came to him naturally but everyone was lost in the lovers trance. Tears started to form in his eyes as she looked at her beloved, her lips lightly pressing against his in a showcase of true definition and even truer love.

He scurried over to the food table that held the snacks and red cups sloshed with Maroon savory delights of bright tasting punch. The white table sheets ruffled and stained as he looted up on what seemed to be a barrel of small pretzels and a pineapple cubes.

The song "lost on you" gave way to the worlds most beautiful girl, waltzing her way deeper into his arms.

He knew when this was over, they'd be the talk of the entire school, "they're gonna be legendary" they'd say, gossiping in misplaced adoration. Tonight was horrible and he knew it would be, but mom had insisted so he went, false smiles on him as Entered In single file, Step by step behind them.

Yes, James was jealous. Not just because he hated his bully dating his "true love" but also because the white circular balls of light that tastefully decorticated the high school gym walls flourished his own demise and have life to a new age of disdain and vile images once that he wish he could dismiss and be happy for once in a long time.

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