Chapter 26: The Relevance.

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Ive been broken for quite some time now...

And not the kinda of broken the townsfolk would think. The kind of broken that leaves you wanting something more. Something potent. Something real.

Being locked away as a princess surely never improved upon that state of mentality.
I had once thought of myself to be lonely. Locked away in my own mind, my thoughts compelling my nature to remind my inward soul that I'm nothing with this prism of false fashion and hope.

Factual memories tremors that dreams do find us mortals, but so do nightmares. I haven't sleep in a few nights, late nights squandered away amongst the moon light glimpsing through the crack of my Stoney prison, my eyes forever slightly awake, staring outward upon the grey night owls and barks echoing from the royal hunting predators.

My room although locked. Was somewhere I knew I could place this letter. This embodiment of something so irritating, so aggravating that it left you wanting to scream in terror.

The bars that surrounding my outward walk. Benched over the surrounding sea and woodland. The sunset had me needing to believe there was still good in this fairytale life.

This fable of my own design. The girl I once knew. The "Me" I cherished back at the only house I ever gone.

I'm perhaps a tortoise with no shell, naked, open, weak, slow...but as the emperor did his highest duty. He did not speak of the child. Yes, my hier... my son, perhaps the only rescue from this uninhabitable box that I called my new home.

I balanced myself, laying backward on the bed, so that the child would be able to survive and I breathed, inward and out, knowing he was on the way... the ink on the note, still soaking the page from the inkwell that laid beside this note, that perhaps would grief him into my release, but of course as always I held my tongue and...studiously continued my bountiful relevance.

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