Conclaving the untouched

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 It feels so good to stare at the endless sea, there are many people here, most of them are paired together and I just hope somebody rush to me like the way the girl ran and hugged his man under the night sky, how happy they look together, strange that even having so many ladies around me, I never imagined to be with anybody like this, not even Tzuyu. Well this day was relaxing, I rested in my room and at sunset I was out to explore the beaches.

Although I miss the sunset because I was still sleepy when I landed here and my eyes raised their hands once they saw the comfy bed in the room, I woke up from the slumber pretty late. Well now, I am just walking silently, observing my vicinity, I am surely gonna capture these in a painting one day, the sound was calm and tranquil. Cool breezes reminding the summer chills. I already had my dinner and now my focus is to enjoy this vacation, I am not sure if I can make friends here but I'll try. A sudden ring on my phone brought me be back from my thoughts and it just made me smile more.

"Hey, how is it there, having fun" my brother asked more like teased, I chuckled and replied "yeah, it's fun here. It's relaxing too, I am at the beach and it's just perfect hyung", I heard some giggles from the line and he teasingly asked "So encountered any beautiful mermaid" now this is something I am tired of, I am sure this is what my mom asked, what she actually want from me, is to have a wife, and I am young so I am cancelling that plans for now. "Nah, I prefer crabs" I smirked as they laughed, we talked for plenty of time, but I stopped on my tracks when I found out I was quite far from the crowd, it's all silent here and I have walked quite far. "Hyung, I'll call you later" I said before hanging up.

I was taking my steps back but stopped when I heard some silent sobs, someone is crying here and it's probably a girl. I turned and roamed my eyes in my view, I tilted my head in confusion when I saw a girl sitting on the sand, her head lowered and her shoulders moving, probably she is crying for some help and in this dark I can't see her face and she lowered it for some reasons, there is no one actually around, Is she lost here or does she have some worries. I started taking my steps towards her but then I saw another man coming towards her, I sighed because I was just letting myself into someone's else relationship, I should probably leave before they start their PDA's here.

I turned again and started taking my steps back, but somehow I don't feel so good about this, about leaving this girl alone here, what if he isn't her boy friend, what if he is a molester. My eyebrows creased and my mind ordered me to look back, I stopped on my track again, just taking a glance for security won't be a bother right. I looked back and just as for my expectations, no one was there. I sighed because they would've patched their things up till now.

I moved my head to the other side of the sea, to take a glance over the couple but to my freaking surprise, I just saw the guy walking blankly towards another girl, smiling widely as they hugged each other. If she wasn't her girl friend then why was he going there, and where the heck she disappeared, was she a ghost. My head randomly roamed in all directions, just to make my eyes widen because that girl is slowly and probably mindlessly walking towards the endless water, no, I have to stop this.

She was probably on the verge of sinking in the deep water, even though her feet were above the ground and she showed no sign to swim she was calm and contended by her postures. I panicked and ran towards her. She was all silent and at one time her face drowned which made my pace faster, I can't see this happening, I can't see someone dying. I ran towards the direction and I swam to the area where I last saw her.

When I reached she wasn't there, which made me more fright, I ducked down and started searching for her, everywhere, and in this dark she is nowhere to be find.

Dare to love (Sakook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora