Sweet little lies

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I froze on my spot watching her again, so happy with him, her eyes closed in his warm embrace. They both had tears in their eyes and it was more beautiful than I expected it would be. "Tae, my son", her father called loudly, pulling himself back and looking at me intently with a broad smile. Sana looked at me, moving a bit away and I stepped ahead and hugged my beloved uncle, it was pretty tight, almost choking me, just like he did in my childhood. He laughed as he saw me closing my eyes. I couldn't stop but emit a short chuckle, struggling playfully. "My little boy", he patted my soldier and asked me about my parents, this time, completely forgetting about his daughter but we knew that he was just teasing her. 

"Dad!", he further sneaked into the house, pulling me, chortling a little more as he imagined her grumpy and looking back, I laughed out loud....so cute!!

We three sat on the couch, she was sitting next to her father, already over with those stumping of legs she performed a while ago. "Your mother would be home soon....she would be so surprised", he gently placed a peck on her head, patting it later. She snuggled in his arms, and they both smiled endearingly. She is still so small in front of her father. 

"SANA!!", and here we knew, a bowl of happiness from this world just entered the house. She dropped her bag on the floor and straight up hugged her daughter, almost on the verge to cry. They further communicated in japanese, and I couldn't understand more than few words..it's always hard to catch the words of the native speakers unless they make it letter to letter for me.

it's always hard to catch the words of the native speakers unless they make it letter to letter for me

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"Jungkook!!!!", I flinched a little and looked up, his frame halfway in my cabin as I was sort listing the pictures from yesterday. I gesticulated him to come in and then sat on the desk, my eyes still on the tons of pictures. "It's going to be over soon", I just nodded, we're currently in Osaka, for the big project's photoshoot. IU has taken an off today since she pulled an all nighter yesterday to compile the magazine with her team. It's justified that she's feeling under the weather today. 

Today will be our last day in Osaka, by evening I have to finalise the picture as the inner content of the magazine is already finalised, I just have to finalise a photo for the cover. To put things into word, this whole month was pretty hectic and hella tiring. But nonetheless, I had fun. Big opportunities have total sense of responsibility but they also carry a fire amongst it. I felt that fire this time. 

I sharpened my eyes on the one picture where the model was delicately showcasing her handbag, the product. Her eyes are captivating and her subtly poker face getting the attraction, also the position of the bag is appropriate at this point. I kept it aside and started searching for more of such kind. 

"Are you listening!!", I looked up again, mindlessly shook my head at Yuta's words, he was also working on the project with us and like IU, he finalised his work yesterday too. He gave me an annoyed look and then sighed a bit. 

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