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Freya's POV:

"You think they'll want you after this?" He shouted, the impact of both of our blasts forcing him to take several steps back. "All we've ever done for you is to make sure your destiny was for the project but now, you're just a traitor to the JSA. That's all you'll ever be known for."

I turn over to my side, placing my jacket over my head in hopes of tuning out his voice.

"Maybe Steven is right." Jordan simply placed his hand on my shoulder and instantly pricks of ice sank into my skin which causes me to let out a cry of pain as my knees buckled to the ground. "You have gone soft."

"Your real family abandoned you so what makes you think they won't do the same after today?"

"It's only a matter of time before you realize it holds a to you soon, Freya."

"Wake up kid!" I jolt awake as I frantically look around, seeing that the new janitor practically towered over me with a look of annoyance. "Listen, I hate coming to work too but it doesn't mean you get to hide in the small gym to avoid your last classes."

"Sorry, it won't happen again." I rasp, quickly slipping on my shoes before I collect my things from the ground and leave.

It's been a routine ever since we stopped the Injustice Society but for some reason, the nightmares worsened. Instead of only reliving my father's death, I kept experiencing all the painful memories.

During winter break, I tried to stay home with Artemis as much as I could but it feels like she's been doing everything in her power to not see me. I wasn't sure if she knew that we were the ones that sent our parents to jail but I didn't want to risk asking her.

I mean, there's no way she could've figured it out...right?

"Someone looks like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." A familiar voice spoke from behind, causing me to pause in my steps.

I slowly turn to meet their amused expression. "Would you believe me if I told you that I may or may not have ditched math?"

Yolanda playfully shakes her head with disbelief as she walked to stand beside me. "The frizzy hair sort of gives it away." She says and pulls out a hairbrush from her bag. "But, I won't say a word."

I take the brush from her hands but my eyes flickered down to her necklace which causes me to smile. "Thanks," I whisper before we continue to walk to the cafeteria, seeing as Courtney was already waiting for us in line.

But I guess you can say that there are still positives that came out of my situation.

"I just went online doing research on time travel." Courtney continued to explain as the three of us stood in line to pay for our lunch.

Yolanda raised a brow. "Time travel?"

"I figure this JSA villain Per Degaton... he could still be a threat now, even though the JSA technically stopped him years ago."

"What, like a paradox?" I ask, handing the cashier the five dollars and Courtney nodded. "While it doesn't seem too far of a stretch for it to happen, what kind of idiot would mess with the timeline?"

(A/N: *cough cough* barry allen *cough cough*)

"I think you're looking for trouble, Court." Yolanda hesitantly added as Courtney gave the cashier the five dollars as well.

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