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A/n: woOoOoO another update :D
Freya's POV:

"How come we haven't seen anyone?" Courtney worriedly asked as we cautiously walk in the woods, the skies beginning to become darker and darker. "No hunters. Or Rick."

"I was wondering the same thing." Pat added as he briefly looked behind us.

"I swear, Rick and I saw the trucks." I state as I tightly held the helmet in my hands. "They're probably searching in a further spot away--"

"Grundy!" Rick's shouts cause us to pause in our steps. "Grundy!"

I slip my helmet over my head to transform into my suit and fly higher, ignoring Pat's calls from the ground as I flew towards Rick's voice.

I look around through the dozens of trees until I spot a large form standing near the river with Rick who stood a couple of feet away from him, shaking his head with disbelief. "No..."

I land behind Rick but Grundy lets out a menacing growl towards me. My eyes trail down to his blood-splattered hands until it slowly looks behind him, seeing the little girl peacefully laying still in the water and my heart sinks in realization.

"Oh my god." I whisper, watching as Grundy let out a low growl, briefly glancing behind him at the body.

Flashes of Anaya lying in a puddle of her blood fill my head and I quickly turn away, feeling my chest begin to tighten at the sight.

"You recklessly killed me and left me to bleed out to death in the Whitmore household." She continued to pester. "And she doesn't even know it."

"I told them the truth so it doesn't matter anymore." I remark. "My friends needed to learn the truth.

"At the cost for what? Look at you." She scoffed which causes me to open my eyes to see her unamused expression as she held the violin in her hands. "You're still pushing them away. She's pushing you away. She knows you're a murderer."

"Did you kill her?" Rick questioned, pointing to the little girl in the water but I quickly stand in front of him, already knowing the answer.


"Did you kill her?" He raised his voice and I quickly stand in front of him, ignoring the roar from Grundy that practically pierced through my eardrums.

"Rick, don't." I warn, pushing him back a bit but he kept his angered gaze on the beast behind me.

"You damn monster!"

Grundy lets out another snarl before sprinting away further into the woods.

"Rick, focus!" I warn with a glare, seeing his eyes frantically shift between the little girl and where Grundy ran off. "It's bad but we still have to get her out of here or--"

"I'm gonna kill you!" Rick angrily shouts before shoving me away and sprinting after Grundy. "Grundy!"

"Rick!" I turn, seeing as Courtney and Pat run-in with tired expressions. "Rick, wait!"

"Pat..." I sadly trail off, causing the duo to worriedly turn to me as I nodded my head towards where the little girl lay. "I don't--I can't--"

He holds up a hand with assurance before stepping around me to step in the water and crouch down to the little girl's level. He carefully lifts her from the water and places her a couple of feet away to the floor.

The girl's grey skin showed signs of death but to my confusion, I couldn't see any sort of bloody wounds, and judging from Pat's and Courtney's looks of concern, they felt the same as I did.

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