Twenty One

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Freya's POV:

If I had to guess, the church would be the one place Yolanda would run off to.

I walk up the steps that led to the church building and push open the doors, seeing the empty room in front of me.

Okay maybe not.

I adjust the straps to my bag and continue to walk down the pathway before taking a seat on the bench.

I place my bag on the side before I rip open the carpeted floor and see the stuffed bunny with my dad's engraving. Just like how I left it.

"Interesting place for a memento." I turn at the voice and my eyes widen at the sight of the woman casually strolling down the next aisle. "Shame that it's technically defacing something that's sacred for the people in the church."

I shut my eyes. "You're not real." I mutter, knowing well enough this is Eclipso messing with my thoughts. "You're not here."

"Am I?" Anaya hummed, feeling her presence as she now stood in front of me. "Tell me Freya, do you have any sort of remorse for killing me? For being the reason that my sweet baby boy Isaac is now dead because I couldn't be there to properly train him. To protect him."

I clasp my hands over my ears. "Leave me alone!"

"You recklessly killed me and left me to bleed out to death in the Whitmore household." She continued to pester. "And she doesn't even know it."

"I told them the truth so it doesn't matter anymore." I remark. "My friends needed to learn the truth.

"At the cost for what? Look at you." She scoffed which causes me to open my eyes to see her unamused expression as she held the violin in her hands. "You're still pushing them away. She's pushing you away. She knows you're a murderer."

"You're not real!"

"I've been thinking," She casually takes a seat next to me, adjusting the tune of the strings of her violin. "you blame Mr. Dugan for leaving you behind that night but...haven't you considered the thought that it may have been your fault?"

My heart sinks at her words. "Stop it."

"You were the one who stupidly got out of the car on your own." She continued and I let out a huff, pushing myself out of my seat to walk to a different row. "You were the one who felt the need to check the commotion after being instructed not to leave the car. If you hadn't been so curious—"

"Shut up!" I exclaim, covering my ears tighter to block out her voice.

Suddenly the sharp tune of the violin causes me to rip my hands away and roll across the front of the podium.

"If you hadn't been so curious," She sternly repeated as I shakily crawled away from her. "maybe your father would have still been alive. You know deep down that it's true but it's easier to blame someone else, isn't it?"

She kicks her foot down on my chest, forcing me to look in her eyes as she aimed the violin towards my face.

"It's only a matter of time before you hurt someone so who are you going to blame then?"

"Henry!" A loud sob causes me to blink a few times, Anaya disappearing from my sight but I look around the room.

In the opposite side of the room sat Yolanda as she shakily looked down to her hands which causes me to quickly get up from my spot and sprint over to her.

"Yolanda--" I whisper, placing a hand on her back but instantly she backhands my cheek, causing me to collapse on my back with a grunt. "Agh!"

"Don't hurt her!" She cried out as her eyes wildly looked anywhere but to mine. "Leave them alone!"

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