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Freya's POV:

"The number you have reached has met their maximum messages in their voice mailbox. If you would like to—"

"Ugh." I huff in annoyance, not bothering to listen to the rest of her voicemail and face my phone down on the diner table.

How am I supposed to protect Artemis if she isn't answering her calls? What if There's no way she has the black diamond.

I mean, it has to be a coincidence Eclipso knew about Artemis. He was in all of our heads so maybe he might have dug around mine and pulled out one of my fears to use against me.

That's the logical answer but...why is she dodging my calls? I thought we left things on a good note.

"This is well-done. You got it wrong." I look away from my hands and see a man with a look of annoyance to Yolanda as she placed the plate of steak and over-easy eggs in front of him. "Again."

"I'm so sorry." Yolanda nervously apologized before taking the plate away from him and walked to the counter.

I watched as her boss exchanged a few words with a warm smile before she handed Yolanda the milkshake and took the plate from her hands.

She turns towards me and her expression lightens up a bit before she approaches the table with an amused look. "You know, the only reason I'm not fired yet is because of your order being the only one I've never messed up yet." She chuckled, placing the oreo milkshake down in front of me.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, plucking the cherry from the whip cream and tossed it in my mouth. "Well what else am I supposed to order?"

She raised a brow. "Fries, a hamburger," She listed off before discreetly pointing behind her to the man. "A messed up well-done steak and eggs."

"Hey, you're trying as best as you can. Remembering orders are tough." I assure with a small smile, reaching over to place my hand on top of hers and give it a squeeze. "And if I can see that, I'm sure your boss can too. I'm pretty sure she didn't start off as perfect either."

She gives a small smile. "You're right."

"And besides," I take a long sip from the milkshake, humming in satisfaction at the Oreo flavor. "This is still the best milkshake I've ever had."

"It's the only milkshake you've ever tasted." She laughed, placing her other hand to rest on top of mine. "So it doesn't count, Freya."

I playfully squint my eyes. "Touché..." I trail off, earning a giggle to escape from her lips.

Suddenly, someone slides into my booth and takes a seat in front of me which causes Yolanda to quickly pull her hands away.

My heart instantly drops in realization at the person in front of me as they kept their hardened expression to the coffee cup.

"Hi, Isaac." Yolanda sweetly greeted, briefly meeting my eyes in confusion but I give a small shrug. "What can I get you?"

He stays silent as he tightly grips onto the coffee cup in front of him, his hardened expression never wavering.

"Isaac?" I hesitantly spoke up.

"I saw the pictures...the ones you took of yourself." He finally spoke up, causing the atmosphere to shift as his eyes briefly met Yolanda's.

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