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Freya's POV:

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" She pouted before her expression shifted into a smirk, twiddling a familiar dagger in her hand. "It's about time Eclipso brought me out. You should join me."

"I'd rather die." I harshly remark.

"Ah ah ah, careful what you wish for." She chuckled before gesturing to my back. "Wondering why the gash in your back hasn't healed? Eclipso's been feeding off of you ever since you faced him at the school."

"You're lying!" I angrily shout and sprint towards her. Swift as a snake striking, she easily grabs my arm and flings me over her head by slamming my back against the ground.

She clicks the button in her hands and extends her dagger to press against my throat. "Think about it!" She rose her voice, feeling the blade slowly dig into my skin. "Your outbursts? Overthinking every possible move? Isolating yourself with your thoughts? It was all him!"

She moves to use her other dagger to slash across my abdomen in which I quickly kick her off of me. I jump to my feet but before she could slash at me again, I grab her arm before hurling her over my shoulders.

She flies through the air but catches her balance by bouncing off the brick wall to land on her feet at ease. She lowly chuckles with a smirk and I immediately unsheathe my daggers.

She slashes her blade towards me but I leap back to the side. However, she follows through with her attack by swiftly slashing at my stomach with her arm extended, causing me to stumble back. "You're forgetting we're the same, Freya. I know all your tics and tricks." She taunts with a grin. "Except I just do it better."

I growl and slash up with my dagger, but she quickly slashes downward at my arm to my wrist, causing the dagger to drop from my hands. Before I could recover, she tackles me to the ground and twists my hand to plunge the dagger into my stomach.

"I expected more from you, honestly!" She exclaims as I squirmed in her grips. "You cry over what happened when we were thirteen and kick yourself over betraying your so-called friends by lying about the murders. I mean, mourning over a ridiculous inevitable unrequited love? If that's what gets you to spiral into misery and chaos, then I'd barely lift a finger to hurt you. It gives you more than a reason to join Eclipso! He can give you so much more power if you embrace it!" She emphasized with a grin, seeing as the wound on my back burns across my spine to my stomach, leaving me to let out a cry. "That's it, Freya! Embrace what Jordan wanted you to become! Stop being a weakling and become the weapon Eclipso needs!" She twists the dagger further into my stomach until it reached the hilt. "Or die fighting!"

"G-Get off of me!" I grunt before I harshly shove her away which causes her to crash into the brick wall. I try to stand but my knees shakily buckle to the ground, feeling the burns travel across the entirety of my chest. "My friends have my ba—agh!"

"Oh do they?" The duplicate version of me chuckled, casually dusting herself off before she kicks across my ribs, sending me to collapse on my side. "But funny, I don't see anyone coming to your rescue. You feel it though, don't you? The pricks of sharp needles sinking into your skin, the electric currents burning through your skin from the tasers, the agony and desperation of wanting the endless cycle of torture to finish." She crouches down to my level with a pout. "You're all alo--"

My hand snaps to grab her throat, cutting her off from her sentence in which she lets out a choked gasp.

She desperately claws at my grip but I slam her body on the ground with a glare, creating an indent into the floor. "I don't need anyone." I harshly remark. I throw her into the other wooden desk and it shatters explosively with wooden shards splintering away from her.

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