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Freya's POV:

I blink a few times but instead of stumbling forward, I only sat still on a wooden chair and see I sat in the middle of what seemed to be an old study room.

My eyes trail along the filled rows of books circled the room, two large couches on opposite sides of the walls, a large table with a few picture frames faced away from me along with a few opened books, and a large windowpane. Instead of it showing a bright light, it only presented the pitch-black darkness.

I try to stand up from the chair but instantly pricks of needles sink into my arms and legs which causes me to stop my movements. I slowly look down and see my entire body wrapped in barbed wire, some of the sharp points sunk deep into my skin along with ropes tightly wrapped around the armrests to keep my arms in place in which trickled a few drops of blood onto the floor.

I carefully try to lean a bit but the action alone made things worse, causing me to let out a cry of pain.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The deep chilling voice chuckled from behind, instantly recognizing it to be Eclipso. "You should be familiar with what would happen if you move too much."

"Once I find a way out of here, you're going to regret ruining the lives of my friends." I harshly remark.

"Did I?" He chuckles, causing the lights above us to flicker. "Or are you sure it wasn't you? I mean, I wasn't the one who hurt the son of Hourman and sent him to jail. You snapped at Beth after you let your anger get the best of you and on top of it all, Yolanda said it herself that you were the one at fault for pushing her to be someone to take the mantle of Wildcat. Those pretty much sound like your choices."

"You twisted everything to your benefit!"

"Oh Freya, it's too late to grow a conscience now, don't you think?" He sighs in amusement as he gestured around us. "Recognize this place? The memory of your first kill took me a while to find."

I shut my eyes. "That was the old me."

"One of the corrupt superiors who worked in Bannerman Chemicals was brutally murdered by a thirteen-year-old girl under Icicle's order, along with several other workers who met their demise as well, is that right?" Eclipso continued to taunt me as I heard his footsteps circle me. "But a week later, a night of endlessly punching a tree, she mysteriously disappears from her backyard. Ring any bells?"


He snaps his fingers and my eyes are instantly forced open to meet his scarred purple face. "You were taken by that man's associates as an act of revenge for him! You were beaten, berated, tortured for months!" He twirls the crowbar in his hands, causing my eyes to widen at the curved end already coated in blood. "They didn't care that you were so young. Your so-called team didn't bother to look for you. They continued with their lives while you were the one that had to escape on your own."

Before I could speak, he strikes the crowbar across my cheek in which I let out a groan.

"But it took time. There wasn't a night they missed of torturing you until they got what they wanted." I dizzily lift my head and see his eyes glow a bright red once I locked eyes with him. "The name. The name of the man who sent little Freya to do the dirty work for him."

He swings the crowbar again on my other cheek, causing my head to lurch to the side. Feeling the metallic liquid fill my mouth, I spit out the blood in disgust.

"But you were too loyal to the Injustice Society! You desperately wanted to prove to the members and your fake parents that you deserved a seat!" He exclaimed, twirling the crowbar in his hands once more. "Your hope dwindled as time passed so eventually you escaped on your own. But even after escaping this wretched place without help, tell me what happened after that?"

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