
489 21 13

Not gonna lie, I wanted this chapter out as soon as possible LMFAO NO MORE GIVING YALL A LIL EXTRA SMTHIN THATS IT


Freya's POV:

"I've been tracking the weather patterns...and the wind's epicenter." Beth nervously explained as we all looked up to the darkened clouds, watching from the football field as the thunder crackled across the sky. "Yup. It's right above us."

"Could've fooled me." I mutter sarcastically, adjusting the amulet around my neck to make sure it stuck on my suit.

"Does that mean the diamond's inside?" Yolanda worriedly asked Courtney who tightened her grip on the Cosmic Staff.

"According to Pat, it's a possibility." Courtney explained before looking away from the ominous sky.

"Where is Pat?" Rick questioned.

"With Mike. He's meeting us here. Said to wait, but..." She trails off, her eyes glancing behind me which causes me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I ask and follow her gaze, seeing as her stares were on a parked white car nearby the school building.

"That's Mr. Deisinger's car." She worriedly answered, causing the others to turn as well.

"What's Mr

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"What's Mr. Deisinger's car doing here so late?" Beth exclaimed.

"If the diamond is in there, he could be in trouble." Courtney sighed before gesturing for us to follow and we quickly ran towards the doors.

Rick flips the hourglass around his neck before he ripped the locks off the hinges and Courtney is the first to lead us inside as the rest of us followed behind her.

We cautiously enter the darkened building, an eery silence filling the air as we slowly walked down the hallway.

My stomach churned in discomfort. Coming to school in the middle of the night is something I never wanted to do. Let alone, risk the chance at the possibility of dying here by Eclipso.

Wouldn't be my preferred place to die.

Courtney holds out a hand for us to stop walking, causing the rest of us to pause in our steps as she gestured to the room on the side, seeing as there were flashes of light from the window.

"What is it?" Rick whispers to Beth.

She taps on the side of her goggles which instantly lit up green. "Some kind of...electrical disturbance."

I take the first step forward and approach the closed classroom door, seeing that there were splattered paints on the windows. "It's the art studio." I hear Beth whisper from behind before I grab ahold of the doorknob and twist it, pulling the door wider for us to walk inside.

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