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Freya's POV:

"I thought Starman was dead." Courtney curiously brought up as I helped Pat pack away some of the tools into the red toolbox since his arm was in a sling.

"Yeah, we thought Dr. McNider was dead too." Pat reminded before he took a seat on his stool.

"But didn't you see his body, Pat?" I questioningly narrow my eyes. "Icicle used one of the shards that hurt him enough to kill him."

He nods. "I did. Sylvester said he'd explain it later."

"When he touched the Staff, I could sense it somehow. The Staff could too." Courtney explained before she walked over to sit on the crate behind Pat. "It belonged to him before. Do you think he came here to take it back?"

"Court," I groan, taking a seat on the other stool. "I don't want to brainstorm now."

"Yeah, can we, like, take a break for a minute before we start worrying about something new?" Pat adds before walking closer to Courtney. "Listen, Eclipso's been destroyed. The world is safe, and we're going to figure it out. Okay? I promise."

She nods. "Thanks, guys."

"You're welcome." Pat answers and I simply hold up a finger gun to her before I pack away my ISA suit into the luggage. "We beat Eclipso because of you."

"Well, we had some help. From Cindy Burman, Solomon Grundy, The Shade, even the Crocks showed up." She listed off, causing me to glance down at my ring daggers.

"Yeah, that's still hasn't hit me just yet." I mutter out, placing the knives into the luggage as well as she leaned against the desk in front of me. "But other than that, it was because of you."

"Eclipso was right about there being darkness in everyone, you know Sometimes we feel anger or jealousy or...hatred, even if we don't want to." She explained.

"I suppose that's true." Pat hesitantly agreed.

"But the thing Eclipso did not understand is that there's good in everyone too." She emphasized with a grin before hopping to sit on top of the desk. "Every single one of us. In the end, all Eclipso did was make me believe in people even more."

"Humanity defeated him." I say before I pat her knee. "I think that's one of the reasons what made me switch to your side last time. You showed me that I could redeem myself. It's tough to try to convince myself of what I did in the past, but I know my parents wouldn't want me to live that way."

"Of course, they wouldn't. That's why Kent was hoping you'd find his journal!" The three of us turn at the voice, seeing as Sylvester walked down the basement stairs with an old book in his hands. "And that's why the Staff picked you, Courtney."

He carefully hands me the worn-out journal and I slowly take it from his hands. "This is my father's?"

"On my way here, I did a pitstop at his old lair. Thankfully it wasn't too far from Civic City." He chuckled. "Ever since you were born, he jotted down some things about your family history in hopes that he would give to you once you were old enough but...given that he's not here anymore, I'm positive he would want you to have it. To learn."

I flip through some of the pages, seeing as some were filled with notes, basic spells, information about the history of Doctor Fate and Nabu, and my family. "Thanks." I awkwardly say and he nods.

"Also, I'm not here to take the Staff back." He assured Courtney. "But maybe I can show you what it can really do."

"Yeah?" She questioned, pushing herself off of the table. "Uh, that would be a-amazing."

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