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A/n: happy new year!!

Freya's POV:

A hand breaks me from my stares and I look up, meeting Cindy's neutral expression with confusion. "Don't make me regret helping you out of the water."I roll my eyes as I grab ahold of it before she pulls me out of the fountain at ease.

We watch as Starman and Courtney levitated from the ground with the staff glowing a bright purple, crackles of purple electricity shooting out every few seconds.

"Listen, kid, I'm still catching up," Starman grunted, unfazed at the amount of unstable power shooting close to his face. "but if the Staff works for you, then you are chosen! For a reason! Fight this monster!"

"No! You are unwanted by your father." She growls before shaking her head a bit with a cry. "You are unworthy. You are unloved!"

"He's lying!" I yell out as I clutch onto my bloodied side. "You believed in each of us when we all doubted ourselves! Doctor Mid-Nite says to go to the light but he had it wrong! You are the light, Court! You helped bring out the best version of myself! Yolanda, Rick, Beth, your family! You brought us out of the dark! You never gave up on us!"

"Courtney, you can break free!" Pat adds from the opposite side of the fountain with Jennie and Barbara at his side. "Be yourself! That's all!"

Courtney's head rolls back as she lets out a pained distorted cry, crackles of purple and yellow electricity shooting out until a shockwave erupts.

Eclipso crashes into the stairs with a groan as Courtney and Starman fall back to the ground but he quickly catches her into his arms at ease.

Eclipso tries to take off into the night once more but I lift my hands, creating a forcefield that causes him to fall backward. "Not this time!" I harshly remark.

Several baseballs out of nowhere smack into his stomach which soon followed up with several arrows plunging into his chest, causing him to collapse on his back.

"Great shot! That's my girl!"

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

"Hey there, bud!" Lawrence's voice rang out from behind and I turn, seeing as he, Paula, and Artemis dressed in their ISA suits as they stood in front of Pat, Barbara, and Jennie. "What did we miss?" He casually asks as he and Artemis swing their bats.

"Our daughter broke us out." Paula chuckled, reloading another arrow into her crossbow.

"Burman called." Artemis shrugged.

"I did." Cindy spoke up, dusting the dirt off of her suit.

"I am forever." Eclipso panted, meeting each of our eyes. "I am not finished."

Everyone and I mean everyone, approached closer to stand over him with glares.

"Yes, you are." Courtney stated.

"He is weakened." I turn, my eyes widening at The Shade who seemed completely better than before. "Those who command the light--I'd act quickly." He says, taking note of my expression and gesturing to me.

Jennie aimed her fist with her ring glowing a bright green, Courtney and Starman held the cosmic together, while I aimed both of my hands towards Eclipso.

"I wish this guy was toast." Jakeem spoke up with a glare.

"As you wish!" The Thunderbolt grins with his hands up, erupting crackles of pink electricity from his hands.

Four different colored blasts instantly collide into Eclipso's chest which causes him to let out a distorted cry of pain as the light practically blinds my vision.

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