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Freya's POV:

My eyes shoot open and to my surprise, I wasn't met with pitch-black darkness. Instead, it was my old room from the Crock household but everything felt wrong at all of my things not being what I was used to seeing.

None of my surroundings were in color. Everything and I mean everything is in black, grey, and white. Normally I'd enjoy the peace and quiet but this feels different.

It all feels wrong.

Someone abruptly pushes my door open and I jump at the sound, my eyes widening at the sight of the person.

"Freya, you overslept again." Artemis groans as she tossed my backpack on my bed which caused me to let out a grunt once it landed on my stomach. "Hurry up and get dressed. I want to get some laps in the track before school starts."

"Artemis?" I whisper in confusion but before I could utter out another word, she shuts the door behind her. I yank the covers off of my body, seeing as my clothes remained the same from before I quickly go to the window.

I yank off the curtains but to my surprise, I was met with only a bright light which made it impossible to see the backyard. What the hell is going on?

"Hurry up, Freya!" I hear Artemis call from downstairs.

I rush downstairs in time to see Artemis and my mom waiting by the front door. "Paula? You're supposed to be in pr--"

"Overslept. That's the third time this week, Freya." Paula scolded as she and Artemis continued to walk to the car. "Why can't you be like your sister? She wakes up early enough to get dressed and have breakfast so why can't you do the same?"

Wait, I remember this. Isn't this the day I first met Courtney? My eyes widen. Oh god, Courtney. Where the hell is she?

I cautiously follow behind them and step inside the vehicle before shutting it behind me.

"Is it the nightmares again?" Artemis curiously asked which causes my posture to stiffen at the question.

"No." I mutter, taking a glance out the window as we drove through the town and see that everything else was in black and white.

I'm living in an old movie in real life.

"I can schedule another appointment with Dr. King. He's good friends with your father and I." Paula offered as she and Lawrence took a small glance to the mirror to meet my eyes. When did he even get in the car?

"Is that what we're calling it?" I remark in annoyance. "The lies he forced into my head badly messed with my mind."

"Lies? That's rich coming from you. Let's list them off." I snap my attention to Artemis in shock but to make things worse, she was wearing her suit from the last time I saw her. "You lied to me about my parents, you lied about who you are, and let's not forget, you lied to your so-called closest friends."

Lawrence and Paula turn to me with looks of disappointment. "You promised you would take care of her." Lawrence remarked with a glare. "To always look out for her."

"But now, seeing that you've always been a failure from the start, it doesn't surprise us." Paula added, leaning closer to the backseat. "This won't do, won't it hun?"

"Not even close, babe." Lawrence dryly chuckled. "I think she needs a visit back to the good ole' tree in the backyard."

"No, no, no." I whisper as they try to reach towards me and push open the car door, a bright light blinding my vision as I stumbled out of the vehicle.

Change ☆DC Stargirl • Yolanda Montez (II) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora