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Freya's POV:

Eclipso lets out a grunt as he adjusted the burgundy gloves from his hands before taking a step forward, leaving behind a purple mud-like footprint. He stretches his fingers out as he looked down at them in awe, walking several more confident steps which causes us to push ourselves off of the floor.

Cindy lets out a huff. "You betrayed me." She harshly remarks before extending the daggers from her wrists.

She marches towards where Eclipso stood and tries to plunge the dagger through his chest but he catches her wrist at ease.

His eyes glow a bright crimson red as he tilted his head to the side. "You used me." He tauntingly whispered before grabbing ahold of her throat.

Suddenly he yanks out the blade from her wrist, earning a loud cry to escape from her lips.

My eyes widen in horror at the sight of the blood gushing out from her wrist but Eclipso leans closer to Cindy's ear with a grin. "And I used you."

She whimpers as he lifts her off of the ground but his eyes move away from Cindy and look over to Isaac with a brow raised.

Isaac nervously glances behind, seeing as nobody stood behind him. Before he could react, Eclipso throws the dagger towards him and it instantly plunges into his abdomen, causing him to crumble on his back.

"Isaac!" I yell out and try to run towards him but a big pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Rick, let me go!"

Eclipso throws Cindy to the side and inhales a deep breath before he tilted his head to the side, looking over to where Isaac helplessly laid on the ground with a groan.

"Evil boy..." Eclipso tauntingly calls with a sigh, causing Isaac to lift his head with a pained expression. "Your soul is so ripe!"

Eclipso's red eyes glow brighter than before, inhaling through his mouth as purple smoke emits from Isaac's body. Isaac's body convulses on the ground as the energy instantly went inside Eclipso's mouth, earning a loud cry from Isaac as he desperately tried to scramble away.

 Isaac's body convulses on the ground as the energy instantly went inside Eclipso's mouth, earning a loud cry from Isaac as he desperately tried to scramble away

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In a matter of seconds, Isaac's body disintegrates into ash as the last remaining shrapnel bits were sucked into Eclipso, earning a sigh of satisfaction.

Artemis shakily pushes herself up using the brick wall and she looks to meet my eyes but I frantically shake my head, not wanting her to become another one of Eclipso's victims.

Thankfully she sprints away from him and pushes open the exit doors, not bothering to spare a glance behind her.

"Hey!" Cindy grunted, tightly holding on to her bloodied wrist as she stood up from the ground. "You're here because of me! Remember? You owe me."

"No." Eclipso lowly spoke before picking up one of the shattered pieces from the black diamond off of the floor. "I owe you...nothing."

He flicks the piece towards Cindy and it lands near her which instantly forms a black puddle under her feet. In a matter of seconds, a purple vine latches onto her wrists, forcing her to fall on her knees with a grunt.

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