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The Saturday night parties at Derek Shepherd and Mark Sloan's apartment were a legend. No thanks to Derek but there were always tons of people, tons of beer and tons of hooking up in places that Derek did not want to know about. Their other roommate Jack had invited half of his biology class and now there was more to clean up than usual. The couch cushions where on the other side of the room and there were plastic cups and beer cans everywhere he looked and all he wanted to do was what he did every Sunday morning, make some coffee and have a bowl of cereal and sit and read the newspaper that Mark had tried to cancel when Derek started the delivery.

It was a normal Sunday morning until Derek heard a door open and a ton of curse words come as he heard things hit the floor. He turned around from the kitchen counter to see a blond girl who was now wearing what he could only assume was one of Jack's shirts, trying to make a quick exit from their apartment.

"Busted." Derek said loud enough so she could hear.

"Damn...I mean hi." Her shoe fell from her hands and she leaned over to grab it as the long blue shirt began to ride up slightly. "I'm going...I mean I...you live here and that guy....the one with the loud snore lives here and I....he hogs the blankets."

"Jack." Derek corrected her, trying not to laugh. She was definitely cute and her rambling and trying to explain just made him laugh.

"I generally don't do names."

"I'm Derek."

"Meredith." She extended her hand, her long strawberry blonde hair falling in her face.

"Nice to meet you." Derek smiled, shaking her hand.

"Right." She pointed.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"I don't....I should go home."

"I make really good coffee."

"Coffee helps with hangovers."

"It does." Derek smiled, reaching for another mug.

"Maybe a glass." She looked around at a few people passed out on a couch then back to Derek. "Joe isn't going to wake up is he?"

"Jack?" Derek laughed. "No...not until at least noon."


"Something to eat?"

"You don't have to make me anything...I mean I always eat and I don't need to but if you want to make me pancakes then you can...with bacon."

"Coming right up." He smiled.

"Thanks." Meredith breathed.

"I would ask you if you had fun last night but...I don't think I have to."

"I...we didn't wake..."

"I meant the party."

"Oh!" She gasped, a red blush moving over her cheeks. "Yeah...the party was great..."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Derek laughed, glancing over at her as he pulled the flour from the cupboard.

"Did you have fun? At the party I mean..."


"It was a crazy party."

"It was."

"I um.....I won't stay long."

"You can stay. I doubt anybody will be awake for awhile..." Derek replied. He could tell she was embarrassed but he wanted her to stay.

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