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Christmas at the Shepherd's was like a department store catalogue. It was like everything she had ever pictured as a child and each year, Derek's Mom had outdone herself. This Christmas was no different. A Frank Sinatra Christmas album was on, his mother was getting the turkey ready and soon the house would be filled with Shepherd children. It was picture perfect and soon presents would be opened and everyone would be happy.

When Meredith had gone to bed last night, she had felt much better about her word vomit about sex that had happened the night before. At least that was over with and Derek had his own way of making everything better. Speaking of Derek, he was smiling. He was staring at her and smiling. "What?"

"Nothing." He grinned, his arms around her waist as she sat on his lap in the living room in front of the tree. "I'm just happy that you're here."

"I come every year." She rolled her eyes, as he pushed her curly hair off of her as she wore a red off-the-shoulder sweater.

"I know. I'm just...happy."

"And every year...Mark and Sarah are in the kitchen trying to figure out what they got each other for Christmas..." Meredith giggled, her head going back as she curled into him.

"He's giving her cash."

"It's what he gets everyone except your Mom." She leaned forward, sitting her coffee on the side table.

"Thirty seven dollars to be exact." Derek laughed.

"That's not it." Meredith hit at his stomach.

"I swear."

"I've been here every year and..."

"Every year he gives her the same thing."

"Whatever." Meredith rolled her eyes, standing up to fix a bow that had fallen off of the present Derek had gotten for his niece.

"Can I refill your coffee, dear?" Mrs. Shepherd asked, walking into the living room with the coffee pot in her hand.

"Yes please." Meredith giggled.

"Derek...Greg is bringing the kids over in a few...Maddie was having some trouble wearing the outfit I picked out for her." Sarah came in, stirring some batter. "I had to get over here or else this batter wouldn't set...so you have kid duty when they finally get here and Meredith can take Hannah...she loves her."

"Oh...kids will be here in a while." Meredith pinched Derek's cheek.

"What are you doing?" Derek laughed.

"It's there way of fooling around." Mark smirked, walking into the living room.

"Shut up Mark." Meredith rolled her eyes, before reaching for a piece of Christmas candy and Derek could notice just how perfectly the jeans she was wearing hugged her ass.

"Mer...when do you want to do our presents?" Derek breathed.

"We usually do them with everyone else but..."

"I thought we could do them alone this year."

"Ooooooooooh." Mark mocked the two of them.

"Stop being a jerk." Sarah elbowed Mark in the stomach.

"Be nice Mark." Mrs. Shepherd sighed.

"Hey...she hit me."

"I thought the kids weren't coming until later." Derek laughed.

"Derek and Meredith...go exchange your gifts upstairs." His mother insisted.

"We're going."

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