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Meredith Grey knew surgery was intense. She knew that being in control and steady was important but what she had never expected was the high she would have from performing her first solo brain surgery. Derek was watching intently but letting her choose her steps. She had suctioned, cut slowly and done everything she could to remove the tumor. It looked all clear as she finished up the surgery, carefully extracting the instruments. "Suction..."

"Beautiful work, Dr. Grey." Derek smiled underneath of his mask. She had performed the sugery perfectly, just as he would have done and the tumor was completely removed.

"Care to close?" Meredith turned to the second year resident.

"Oh..." The younger doctor stuttered, looking like she had just been offered to perform her own solo surgery." I'd love to."

"Dr. Shepherd and I are going to let Mrs. Pierce know that he is doing well." Meredith explained as two nurses assisted in taking off the headgear.

"Good job Dr. Grey." The nurses who often worked with Derek congratulated her.

"I told you you could do it." Derek grinned, pulling off his mask as they went into the scrub room.

"That was....wow. I don't know why anyone would do drugs." Meredith's words seemed so soft as she removed her mask and began to wash her hands. "It's such a high."


"I just removed a brain tumor." Meredith bit her lip.

"I am a very proud teacher."

"It was like I started the surgery and then it just...happened." Meredith was so breathless and Derek couldn't help but smile. She looked so excited.

"You did amazing, Mer."

"I don't want pizza." Meredith said, her eyes light as she stared at the patient through the glass as the resident finished closing.

"What do you want?" He tossed his used paper towels and mask into the trash.

"Steak." She grinned as she stared in amazement.

"We'll go out." Derek smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm so proud of you."

"You are?" She turned to face him.


"I removed a tumor."

"Yes you did."

"Wow." Meredith said breathlessly again.

"Want to go tell the wife?"

"Oh right." Meredith grinned.

"After you Dr. Grey." He laughed.

"Thank you Dr. Shepherd." Meredith noticed a small bounce in her step as she left the scrub room.

"I...how is he? It's been too long...Oh god..." Ruby approached them as they got to the waiting room, wringing her hands together and going on and on.

"He's being moved into a recovery room to be monitored." Meredith smiled proudly. "We were able to remove the tumor and bring down the swelling."

"Oh...oh my god! He's okay?"

"He's doing just fine." Meredith nodded.

"Thank you." Ruby threw her arms around Meredith.

"I'm glad I could help." Meredith nodded, patting Ruby on the back.

"Thank you." She repeated, crying into Meredith's shoulder.

"You will be able to see him very soon." Meredith assured her.

"Oh..." She pulled away smiling before hugging Derek. "Thank you Dr. Shepherd."

"Your welcome Mrs. Pierce." Derek chuckled.

"I feel so relieved." Ruby laughed weakly, putting her hand to her chest. "I mean...I know there is recovery and a visit to the oncologist but you took the tumor off of his brain and he's....he made it."

"He's going to be good as new."

"Oh good." Mrs. Pierce breathed with a major sigh of relief.

"You and your husband...you remind me of myself and Dr. Grey." Derek smiled.

"I told Tyler I thought you guys were together!"

"You have a good eye." Derek laughed.

"So we remind you of you two?" Ruby asked.

"Friends since college."

"And you're together now?"

"Yeah." Derek smiled.

"And you're getting married?" Ruby grinned.

"Oh...no not yet."

"Not right now..." Meredith said awkwardly as she heard him say 'not yet' to the woman in front of them.

"We're...taking it slow." Derek laughed slightly.

"So did we." Ruby laughed.

"I'm so glad we could help you two." Derek smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you so much." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"It was all Dr. Grey."

"Still...thank you both." Ruby looked at them both as she bit back more tears. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Derek nodded. "A nurse will be out in a moment to take you to your husband."

"Dr. Shepherd and I will be out of here at nine this evening but there is a very talented staff will be here to take care of you." Meredith explained. "And they will page us in if you need anything at all."

"Thank you."

"No problem." Meredith smiled, hugging her again before turning away with Derek.

"That's the best part." Derek breathed.

"When does the high go away?" Meredith replied, going through a set of doors and to a long hallway. "Hopefully not soon."

"Never." Derek laughed.

"I am going to leave...we will have steak...and then I want sex...all night."

"Mmm...your wish is my command." Derek grinned, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. She had been flawless in surgery and Derek had never been in more in love with the woman in his arms. But it wasn't just the surgery. It was everything. It was how calm she had been and how she handled the patient's wife and how she didn't leave the OR bragging but just wanted to go home with him, just like they always did.

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