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It had been almost three weeks since they had moved in together and everything was going great. The had rearranged the furniture a few times and moved things around the house but now everything was perfect and they were home. And now they everything was settled, they were going to pick out a puppy. There hadn't been a day that had gone by that Meredith hadn't brought it up but Derek had insisted that they finish setting up the house before they brought a dog home. The morning they were going to pick out their new pet, Meredith was like a kid on Christmas morning. She had woken up earlier than she ever did and had practically begged Derek to get out of bed and get ready so that they could go.

"I wonder how many dogs they have." Meredith giggled, looking at the add for a farm where a couple had a new litter.

"However many they have...we're only getting one." Derek laughed as they got off the highway.

"I...I know."

"Have you thought of a name?"


"Spencer? For a dog?"

"You don't like Spencer?"

"I was thinking something like...Spot."

"Spot? Of all the names in the world you choose Spot?" Meredith looked at him strangely.

"Or Sparky." Derek shrugged.


"We'll pick a name later." He laughed.

"I wonder if they have four dogs...or six."

"The guy on the phone said six."

"Six puppies."

"Meredith..." Derek laughed as she looked over at him and smiled.


"We can only get one."

"I know." Meredith smiled then looked back out the window.

"Just making sure."

"Unless we get two brothers."

"Or one."

'What if they're twins?" Meredith asked. "If I gave birth to twins...we wouldn't just keep one. We wouldn't split them up so why would we do that to puppies?"

"Why not take all six?"

"Can we?"


"Figured that was a long shot." Meredith rolled her eyes. "Besides...I won't want all six."

"We're here." Derek laughed.

"Well park so I can get out." Meredith looked eagerly out of the window.

"I am." Derek put the car in park in front of a small house.

"Finally." Meredith opened the door as soon as he took the keys out of the ignition.

"He said to come around to the back."

"Okay." Meredith said, taking his hand as they walked along the side of a farm house.

"Hello?" Derek called as they walked around to the back and there was a large dog sleeping on the porch.

"Hey there." An older man stood from a white rocking chair. He looked like the typical farmer with dirtied overalls, flannel and a straw hat. "Dr. Shepherd, is it?"

"Derek." He nodded, shaking the guys rough hands.

"Derek." He nodded, looking around the land. "So this must be..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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